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格雷科技给IC2 crop breeding的系统添加了多种“作物”。



名称 发现者 种子 基本掉落物 特殊掉落物 属性 生长阶段
靛蓝 Eloraam

2 Flower, Color, Ingredient

亚麻 Eloraam
2 Silk, Vine, Addictive

石油莓 Spacetoad
9 Fire, Dark, Reed, Rotten, Coal, Oil

绿宝石莓 GenerikB

11 Shiny, Vine, Emerald, Berylium, Crystal

钻石芦苇 Direwolf20

12 Fire, Shiny, Reed, Coal, Diamond, Crystal

煤炭芦苇 CovertJaguar

8 Fire, Undead, Reed, Coal, Rotten, Wither

闪光芦苇 Mr. Brain

6 Fire, Blaze, Reed, Sulfur

鸡蛋树 Link

6 Chicken, Egg, Edible, Feather, Flower, Addictive

牛牛草 Gregorius Techneticies
6 Cow, Silk, Vine

僵尸草 Mr. Kenny

5 Toxic, Undead, Vine, Edible, Rotten

苦力草 General Spaz
7 Creeper, Vine, Explosive, Fire, Sulfur, Saltpeter, Coal

小黑花 RichardG

10 Ender, Flower, Shiny

肉玫瑰 VintageBeef

7 Edible, Flower, Cow, Fish, Chicken, Pig

牛奶疣 Mr. Brain

6 Edible, Milk, Cow

史莱姆橡树 Neowulf
6 Slime, Bouncy, Sticky, Bush

蜘蛛草 Mr. Kenny

4 Toxic, Silk, Spider, Flower, Ingredient, Addictive

恶魂梗 Neowulf
8 Healing, Nether, Ingredient, Reed, Ghast

锡杉树 Gregorius Techneticies
5 Shiny, Metal, Pine, Tin, Bush

铜树 Mr. Brain
6 Shiny, Metal, Cotton, Copper, Bush

棕色蘑菇 Mr. Brain

1 Edible, Mushroom, Ingredient

红蘑菇 Mr. Kenny

1 Toxic, Mushroom, Ingredient

银菊 Eloraam
7 Shiny, Metal, Silver, Reed

铅菊 KingLemming
6 Heavy, Metal, Lead, Reed

铁藤 Benimatic

10 Metal, Vine, Iron

木藤 Benimatic

8 Wood Vine
