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Feed The Beast Wiki
This page is a translated version of the page FTB Infinity Evolved and the translation is 60% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Infinity Evolved 1.7
(无限进化 1.7)
FTB InfinityEvolved Logo
维护者The FTB Team
A general modpack for 1.7.10 that has two mode you can play on Normal and Expert.
(基于Minecraft 1.7.10制作的大型整合,囊括众多主流MOD,预设普通和专家两种模式可供切换。)

Infinity 1.7The FTB Team制作的一个整合包,同时在 Feed The BeastCurseForge 上发布。和1.6.4的Monster、1.5.2的FTB Unleashed、1.4.7的FTB Ultimate类似,Infinity包含的MOD数量巨大(超过150个),也没有特定的玩法。它本身面向那些想体验各种不同风格的MOD的一般玩家,以及各种中小型服务器。由于其MOD数量众多,Infinity并不适合大型服务器运行。

在2015年十月,Infinity整合的版本号升至2.0.0,其名称也改为“无限进化” ('Infinity Evolved'),同时添加了令人注目的两个新MOD:FTB Utilities以及FTB Tweaks。相比于之前的Infinity,Infinity Evolved最大的变化在于引入不同的难度设定,即广为人知的“普通模式“与”专家模式“ (Expert Mode)。FTB Tweaks的存在使得玩家可在无需重启服务器的情况下完成两种模式间的无缝切换。作为Infinity Evolved的特色之一,”无限进化:专家模式“ (Infinity Evolved Expert Mode, 通常缩写IE:E) 更改了大量的合成表,使得玩家必须搭配使用该整合中所有的大型MOD来到达游戏末期;同时一系列“终极合成”的加入使得玩家可以获得一些只有在创造模式中才能获得的物品。


FTB InfinityEvolved Mainmenu

Infinity 1.7


Mod Name Author
AgriCraft InfinityRaider
Another One Bites The Dust ganymedes01
Applied Energistics 2 AlgorithmX2
ASP + GS Patcher Chocohead
Avaritia SpitefulFox
Bdlib bdew
BiblioCraft Nuchaz
BiblioWoods Nuchaz
Binnie Patcher Chocohead
Binnie's Mods Binnie567
Biomes O' Plenty Glitchfiend
Blood Magic WayofTime
Botania Vazkii
Brandon's Core brandon3055
Buildcraft CovertJaguar
Buildcraft Compat buildcraftchildsplay
Carpenter's Blocks Mineshopper
Chisel tterrag
CoFH Core TeamCoFH
CoFH Lib TeamCoFH
ComputerCraft dantwohundred
Custom Main Menu lumien231
DecoCraft2 RazzleberryFox
Dense Ores RWTema
Draconic Evolution brandon3055
Ender IO CrazyPants_MC
Ender Storage ChickenBones
EnderZoo CrazyPants_MC
EnderCore tterrag
EnderTech voxelcarrot
Extra Utilities RWTema
ExtraCells2 DrummerMC
ExtraTiC Glassmaker
FastLeafDecay Olafskii
Fastcraft Player
Forbidden Magic SpitefulFox
Forestry SirSengir
FTB Tweaks FTB Team
FTB Utilities FTB Team
Funky Locomotion RWTema
Gendustry bdew
Guide-API TehNut
Hat Stand iChun
Hats iChun
Headcrumbs ganymedes01
iChun Util iChun
Immersive Engineering BluSunrize
Immersive Integration UnwrittenFun
IndustrialCraft 2 IndustrialCraft 2 Dev Team
INpureCore denoflionsx
Inventory Tweaks Kobata
Iron Chests progwml6
JABBA ProfMobius
JourneyMap techbrew
Logistics Pipes RS485
Magic Bees MysteriousAges
Mantle Slime Knights
McJtyLib McJty
MineFactory Reloaded Skyboy
MineTweaker3 StanH
ModTweaker jaredlll08
Morpheus Quetzi
Mystcraft XCompWiz
Natura mDiyo
NEI Addons bdew
NEI Integration Tonius11
Nether Ores Skyboy
NotEnoughItems (NEI) ChickenBones
NotEnoughResources Way2muchnoise
Nuclear Control 2 Xbony2
OpenBlocks OpenMods Team
OpenMods Lib OpenMods Team
OpenPeripheral Addons OpenMods Team
OpenPeripheral Core OpenMods Team
OpenPeripheral Integration OpenMods Team
Pam's HarvestCraft MatrexsVigil
Portal Gun iChun
Project Red Mr_TJP, ChickenBones
Railcraft CovertJaguar
Redstone Arsenal TeamCoFH
Resource Loader lumien231
RFTools McJty
Runic Dungeons MrComputerGhost
Simply Jetpacks Tonius11
Solar Expansion TedTheRusSB624
Springboards Galoubet
Steve's Addons hilburn
Steve's Carts 2 Vswe
Steve's Factory Manager Vswe
Steve's Workshop Vswe
Storage Drawers jaquadro
Thaumcraft 4 azanor
Thaumcraft Inventory Scanning BlayTheNinth
Thaumcraft NEI Plugin DjGiannuzz
Thaumic Energistics Nividica
Thaumic Exploration Flaxbeard, nekosune
The Twilight Forest Benimatic
Thermal Dynamics Team CoFH
Thermal Expansion Team CoFH
Thermal Foundation Team CoFH
TiC Tooltips squeek502
Tinkers Construct mDiyo
Tinkers' Mechworks mDiyo
Translocators ChickenBones
WAILA ProfMobius
WAILA Harvestability squeek502
WAWLA Darkhax
Witchery Emoniph
WR-CBE-Universal ChickenBones


"Feed The Beast"

"name" = ""Navbox Feed The Beast"" "state" = ""plain""

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