Feed The Beast Wiki

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Feed The Beast Wiki

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Infobox/mod/doc

local p = {}

p.docLead = [=[<translate><!--T:1--> It is designed for use in articles about mods.</translate>]=]

p.format = {
		title = {arg="name", desc=[=[<translate><!--T:2--> The title that will be displayed at the top of the info box.</translate>]=]},
			{{arg={"image"}, type="image", desc=[=[<translate><!--T:3--> The modicon of the mod in the format <code>Modicon (full mod name).png</code> where the modicon is located.</translate>]=]}}
			{[=[<translate><!--T:4--> Current developers</translate>]=], {arg="author", desc=[=[<translate><!--T:5--> Current author or authors of the mod. Separate multiple authors by commas or linebreaks.</translate>]=]}},
			{[=[<translate><!--T:6--> Past developers</translate>]=], {arg="pastauthor", desc=[=[<translate><!--T:7--> Previous author(s) of the mod.</translate>]=]}}
			{[=[<translate><!--T:41--> Version</translate>]=], {arg="version", desc=[=[<translate><!--T:9--> The current mod version. Optionally, this can have different versions for each supported Minecraft version denoted by a colon and separated by <nowiki><br /></nowiki>.</translate>]=]}},
			{[=[<translate><!--T:34--> Supported Minecraft versions</translate>]=], {arg="mcversion", desc=[=[<translate><!--T:35--> The Minecraft versions that are supported by the mod.</translate>]=]}},
			{[=[<translate><!--T:38--> Mod loader</translate>]=], {arg="modloader", desc=[=[<translate><!--T:39--> The mod loader used by the mod. This will usually be {{L|Minecraft Forge}}.</translate>]=]}},
			{[=[<translate><!--T:10--> Depends on</translate>]=], {arg={"requires", "dependency"}, desc=[=[<translate><!--T:11--> If the mod is an addon to another mod.</translate>]=]}},
			{[=[<translate><!--T:12--> Needed for</translate>]=], {arg="neededfor", desc=[=[<translate><!--T:13--> If the mod is a dependency to another mod.</translate>]=]}},
			{[=[<translate><!--T:14--> Previously depended on</translate>]=], {arg={"requirespast", "dependencypast"}, desc=[=[<translate><!--T:15--> If the mod was dependent on another mod, but is no longer.</translate>]=]}},
			{[=[<translate><!--T:16--> Previously needed for</translate>]=], {arg="neededforpast", desc=[=[<translate><!--T:17--> If the mod had a dependency to another mod, but it is no longer needed.</translate>]=]}},
			{[=[<translate><!--T:18--> URL</translate>]=], {arg="url", type="link", desc=[=[<translate><!--T:19--> URL to the mod's main page. Can be a dedicated forum thread or website.</translate>]=]}}
                        {[=[<translate><!--T:25--> Discord server</translate>]=], {arg="discord", type="link", desc=[=[<translate><!--T:26--> The Discord server for the mod.</translate>]=]}},
                        {[=[<translate><!--T:27--> IRC channel</translate>]=], {arg="irc", type="templateCall", template="IRC", desc=[=[<translate><!--T:28--> The IRC server and channel for the mod. Formatted as server@channel, for example: esper.net@TheSteamTank.</translate>]=]}}
                        {[=[<translate><!--T:36--> Mod ID</translate>]=], {arg="id", desc=[=[<translate><!--T:37--> The mod's mod ID</translate>]=]} }
		title=[=[<translate><!--T:20--> Modpacks</translate>]=],
			{{arg="modpacks", desc=[=[<translate><!--T:21--> What modpacks include this mod.</translate>]=]}}

p.examples = {
{{Infobox mod
|name=Thaumcraft 4
|image=Modicon Thaumcraft4.png
|modloader={{L|Minecraft Forge}}
|neededfor={{L|Magic Bees}}<br />{{L|Thaumic Tinkerer}}
|pastauthor=Still Azanor
|modpacks={{L|FTB Unleashed}}<br />{{L|FTB Unhinged}}

return p