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Feed The Beast Wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Module:Infobox/thing and the translation is 34% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Infobox/thing/es-ni/doc

local p = {}

-- Units
local units = {
    cf = [=[CF]=],
    cfPerTick = [=[CF/t]=],
    emc = [=[EMC]=],
    emcPerSec = [=[EMC/segundo]=],
    eu = [=[EU]=],
    euAmps = [=[EU-Amps]=],
    euPerTick = [=[EU/t]=],
    euPerUse = [=[EU/uso]=],
    euVolts = [=[EU-Volts]=],
    huPerTick = [=[hU/t]=],
    k = [=[K]=],
    kuPerTick = [=[kU/t]=],
    litres = [=[L]=],
    litresPerSec = [=[L/s]=],
    litresPerTick = [=[L/t]=],
    mb = [=[mB]=],
    mj = [=[MJ]=],
    mjPerTick = [=[MJ/t]=],
    metersPerSec = [=[m/s]=],
    nm = [=[Nm]=],
    degc = [=[°C]=],
    degf = [=[˚F]=],
    perTick = [=[por tick]=],
    radPerSec = [=[rad/s]=],
    rf = [=[RF]=],
    rfPerTick = [=[RF/t]=],
    t = [=[T]=],
    tPerTick = [=[T/t]=],
    stacksPerSec = [=[Pilas/s]=],
    su = [=[SU]=],
    suPerTick = [=[SU/t]=],
    suPerUse = [=[SU/uso]=],
    watts = [=[W]=],
    aePerUse = [=[AE/uso]=]

-- This variable holds the list of item types.
local itemTypes = {
    armor = [=[Armadura]=],
    block = [=[Bloque sólido]=],
    sblock = [=[Bloque sólido]=],
    oblock = [=[Bloque sólido]=],
    tblock = [=[Bloque transparente]=],
    component = [=[Pieza]=],
    crop = [=[Cosecha]=],
    entity = [=[Entidad]=],
    tentity = [=[Entidad del bloque]=],
    food = [=[Comida]=],
    item = [=[Objecto]=],
    machine = [=[Máquina]=],
    mob = [=[Monstruo]=],
    hmob = [=[Monstruo agresivo]=],
    nmob = [=[Monstruo neutral]=],
    fmob = [=[Monstruo simpático]=],
    seed = [=[Semilla]=],
    tool = [=[Herramienta]=],
    wand = [=[Varita Mágica]=],
    weap = [=[Arma]=],
    weapon = [=[Arma]=],
    hull = [=[{{L|Hull|Casco}} de las {{L|Steve's Carts|Vagonetas de Steve}}]=],
    module = [=[{{L|Module (Steve's Carts)|Módulo}} de las {{L|Steve's Carts|Vagonetas de Steve}}]=],
    upgrade = [=[{{L|Upgrades (Steve's Carts)|Actualización}} de las {{L|Steve's Carts|Vagonetas de Steve}}]=],
    landmark = [=[Punto de Referencia]=],
    ritual = [=[Ritual]=],
    liquid = [=[Líquido]=],
    fluid = [=[Líquido]=],
    ["multiblock structure"] = [=[Estructura de bloques múltiple]=],
    enchant = [=[Encantamiento]=],
    mechanic = [=[Función]=],
    dimension = [=[Mundo]=],
    flower = [=[Flor]=],
    command = [=[Comando]=],
    aspect = [=[Aspecto]=],
    bauble = [=[Chuchería]=],
    book = [=[Libro]=],
    cover = [=[Tapa]=],
    cable = [=[Cable]=],
    pipe = [=[Tubo]=]

p.docLead = [=[Eso es para objectos, bloques, y más.]=]

p.format = {
        name = [=[Básico]=],
        title = {arg="name", desc=[=[El título que estará visto a la cima del infobox.]=]},
            {{arg={"blockimage","image"}, type="image", desc=[=[La idea grande.]=]}},
            {{arg={"iconimage","imageicon"}, desc=[=[El icono. Usa {{Tl|Gc}} o {{Tl|O}}.]=]}}
            {[=[Mod]=], {arg="mod", desc=[=[El mod que tiene el objecto. Siempre usa la pagina principal del mod. Por favor, ''no'' usa números del versión como "Flaxbeard's Steam Power 0.28.0"; usa el nombre regular. '''(Estará buscar la idioma de la pagina, y usa la idioma corecta)''']=]}},
            {[=[Tipo]=], {arg="type", type="switch", allowedValues=itemTypes, desc=[=[El tipo del objecto.]=]}},
            {[=[El texto del herramiento.]=], {arg="lore", desc=[=[Información adicional que está visto en el tooltip del objecto en el juego. Si el tooltip tiene colores, ellos deben añadir a eso parámetro, utilizando la plantilla de {{Tl|Color}}. Colores que están utilizado en muchos veces pueden buscar en la  [[mcw:Formatting codes#Color codes|Wiki Minecraft]].]=]}},
            {[=[Módulos necesitado]=], {arg="module", desc=[=[El módulo o los módulos que están necesitado para el objecto. Algunos ejemplos de mods que añaden módulos están incluyendo {{L|RedPower 2|EnergíaRoja 2}}, {{L|Project Red|Proyecto Rojo}}, y {{L|Railcraft}}.]=]}},
            { [=[Composición química]=], {arg="chemcomp", desc=[=[La composición química del objecto.]=]}}
            {[=[Resistencia de explosiones]=], {arg="blastresistance", desc=[=[La resistencia de los explosiones del bloque. Incluye '''solo''' el número.]=]} },
            {[=[Dureza]=], {arg="hardness", desc=[=[La dureza de un bloque.]=]}},
            {[=[Luminance]=], {arg="luminance", desc=[=[The luminance value provided by the block or fluid. Include '''only''' the number.]=]}},
            {[=[Burn time]=], {arg="burntime", desc=[=[The burn time value provided by the item. Include '''only''' the number.]=]}}
            {[=[Restuarar]=], {arg="foodpoints", desc=[=[Las puntas de hambre que están regenerado por la comida. Usar '''solo''' para comida.]=]}},
            {[=[Saturación]=], {arg="saturation", desc=[=[La cantidad de la saturación que la comida crea. Este se añadés ''solamente'' para comida.]=]}},
            {{arg="hunger", desc=[=[La cantidad de los puntos de comida y saturación que está ha devolvido por la comida. Usa {{Tl|Shanks}}. Este se añadés ''solamente'' para comida.]=], prefix=[=['''Hambre Devolvido'''<br style="margin-bottom: 8px;" />]=]}},
            {[=[Efectos]=], {arg="effects", desc=[=[Lista de efectos que la comida/bebida te dan. Usa {{Tl|Effect}}.]=]}},
            {[=[{{L|Food stats#Alcohol|Alcohol}}]=], {arg="alcohol", desc=[=[GregTech 6 alcohol value.]=]}},
            {[=[{{L|Food stats#Caffeine|Caffeine}}]=], {arg="caffeine", desc=[=[GregTech 6 caffeine value.]=]}},
            {[=[{{L|Food stats#Dehydration|Dehydration}}]=], {arg="dehydration", desc=[=[GregTech 6 dehydration value.]=]}},
            {[=[{{L|Food stats#Sugar|Sugar}}]=], {arg="sugar", desc=[=[GregTech 6 sugar value.]=]}},
            {[=[{{L|Food stats#Fat|Fat}}]=], {arg="fat", desc=[=[GregTech 6 fatvalue.]=]}},
            {[=[Puede cocinar]=], {arg="cookable", desc=[=[Si lo objecto puede estar cocinado (comida).]=]}},
            {[=[Puntos de la vida]=], {arg="hp", desc=[=[La candidad de los puntos de la vida (hp) que la criatura lo tiene.]=]}},
            {[=[Puntos de la armadura]=], {arg="ap", desc=[=[La candidad de los puntos de la armadura (ap) que la criatura lo tiene.]=]}}
            {[=[Puesto de la armadura]=],{arg="armorrating",type="templateCall",template="Armor",desc=[=[<span class="mw-translate-fuzzy">La puesto de la armadura. Este se añadés ''solamente'' para armadura.</span>]=]}},
            {[=[Dureza de la armadura]=], {arg="toughness", desc=[=[La dureza de la armadura. Este se añadés ''solamente'' para armadura.]=]}},
            {[=[Daño]=],{arg="damage",desc=[=[El daño de la arma (uno corazón es dos daños, y un mitad del corazón es uno daño). Este se añadés ''solamente'' para armas.]=]}},
            {[=[Velocidad]=],{arg="aspeed",desc=[=[La velocidad de los ataques de la arma (añadido en Minecraft 1.9). Este se añadés ''solamente'' para armas.]=]}},
            {[=[Durabilidad]=],{arg="durability",desc=[=[La duriblidad de la herramienta o armadura. Este se añadés ''solamente'' para herramientas y armaduras. ]=]}},
            {[=[Enchantability]=], {arg="enchantability", desc=[=[The enchantability, or how powerful enchantments will be, for this armor or tool.]=]}},
            {[=[Mining level]=],{arg="mininglevel",desc=[=[The pick's mining level (wood, stone, iron etc...).]=]}},
            {[=[Mining speed]=],{arg="miningspeed",desc=[=[The pick's mining speed.]=]}}
            {[=[Stackable]=],{arg="stackable", desc = [=[Whether the block/item is stackable.]=]}},
            {[=[Flammable]=],{arg="flammable", desc = [=[Whether the block/item is flammable (can be set on fire and burned).]=]}}
            {[=[Storage]=],{arg={"storageslots","storage"}, desc = [=[The storage of the item - This parameter does NOT add "cells" or "stacks" after the parameter's text.]=]}},
            {[=[Liquid storage]=],{arg="lstorage", units=units.mb, desc = [=[The maximum liquid storage of the item in mB. Include only the number.]=]}}
            {[=[Heat (C)]=],{arg="heatc", units=units.degc, desc = [=[The maximum heat capacity of the item in C (Celsius). Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[Heat (F)]=],{arg="heatf", units=units.degf, desc = [=[The maximum heat capacity of the item in F (Fahrenheit). Include only the number.]=]}}
            {[=[{{L|Thaumcraft 3|TC3}} {{L|Aspects (Thaumcraft 3)|Aspects}}]=],{arg="tc3aspects", desc = [=[The {{L|Aspects (Thaumcraft 3)|Aspects}} added by {{L|Thaumcraft 3}} to this object.]=]}},
            {[=[{{L|Thaumcraft 4|TC4}} {{L|Aspects (Thaumcraft 4)|Aspects}}]=],{arg="tc4aspects", desc = [=[The {{L|Aspects (Thaumcraft 4)|Aspects}} added by {{L|Thaumcraft 4}} to this object.]=]}},
            {[=[{{L|Thaumcraft 5|TC5}} {{L|Aspects (Thaumcraft 5)|Aspects}}]=],{arg="tc5aspects", desc = [=[The {{L|Aspects (Thaumcraft 5)|Aspects}} added by {{L|Thaumcraft 5}} to this object.]=]}},
            {[=[{{L|Thaumcraft 6|TC6}} {{L|Aspects (Thaumcraft 6)|Aspects}}]=],{arg="tc6aspects", desc = [=[The {{L|Aspects (Thaumcraft 6)|Aspects}} added by {{L|Thaumcraft 6}} to this object.]=]}}
        name="DecoCraft costs",
        title = [=[DecoCraft costs]=],
            {[=[Clay]=], {arg="decoclay", desc=[=[The cost of normal clay requiried to create the item. For use with DecoCraft.]=]}},
            {[=[Red]=], {arg="decored", desc=[=[The cost of red color required to create the item. For use with DecoCraft.]=]}},
            {[=[Blue]=], {arg="decoblue", desc=[=[The cost of blue color required to create the item. For use with DecoCraft.]=]}},
            {[=[Green]=], {arg="decogreen", desc=[=[The cost of green color required to create the item. For use with DecoCraft.]=]}}
        title = [=[Upgrades]=],
            {{arg="upgrades", desc = [=[Upgrades that can be applied or installed to the machine.]=]}}
            {[=[Previous tier]=],{arg="prevtier", desc = [=[Previous tier of the item, tool or machine.]=]}}
            {[=[Next tier]=],{arg="nexttier", desc = [=[Next tier of the item, tool or machine.]=]}}
        title = [=[Energy]=],
            {[=[Max EU input]=], {arg="euinput", units=units.euPerTick, desc = [=[Maximum input of EU/t. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[EU use]=], {arg="euuse", units=units.euPerTick, desc = [=[EU consumption in EU/t. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[EU use]=], {arg="euusetool", units="EU/use", desc = [=[EU consumption in EU per use (only used on tools that use EU per use). Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[EU storage]=], {arg="eustorage", units=units.eu, desc = [=[EU storage in EU. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[Max EU output]=], {arg="euoutput", units=units.euPerTick, desc = [=[Maximum output of EU/t. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[EU production]=], {arg="euproduction", units=units.euPerTick, desc = [=[EU production in EU/t. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[EU traversing]=], {arg="eutraversing", units=units.euPerTick, desc = [=[Maximum energy traversing - only for cables. Include only the number.]=]}}
            {[=[Heat input]=], {arg="huinput", units=units.huPerTick, desc = [=[Maximum {{L|IndustrialCraft 2}} heat input per tick.]=]}},
            {[=[Heat use]=], {arg="huuse", units=units.huPerTick, desc = [=[hU consumption per tick.]=]}},
            {[=[Max heat output]=], {arg="huoutput", units=units.huPerTick, desc = [=[Maximum output of hU/t.]=]}},
            {[=[Heat production]=], {arg="huproduction", units=units.huPerTick, desc = [=[Heat production in hU/t.]=]}},
            {[=[Heat traversing]=], {arg="hutraversing", units=units.huPerTick, desc = [=[Maximum heat energy traversing the cable.]=]}}
            {[=[Kinetic input]=], {arg="kuinput", units=units.kuPerTick, desc = [=[Maximum {{L|IndustrialCraft 2}} rotation energy per tick.]=]}},
            {[=[Kinetic energy use]=], {arg="kuuse", units=units.kuPerTick, desc = [=[Kinetic energy consumption per tick.]=]}},
            {[=[Max kinetic output]=], {arg="kuoutput", units=units.kuPerTick, desc = [=[Maximum output of kU/t]=]}},
            {[=[Kinetic energy production]=], {arg="kuproduction", units=units, desc = [=[Kinetic energy production in kU/t.]=]}},
            {[=[Kinetic energy traversing]=], {arg="kutraversing", units=units.kuPerTick, desc = [=[Maximum kinetic energy traversing the cable.]=]}}
            {[=[Steam storage]=], {arg="gtsteamstorage", units=units.litres, desc = [=[Maximum liters of steam that it can hold - for {{L|GregTech}} and its addons. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[Steam usage]=], {arg="gtsteamusage", desc = [=[Liters of steam that is used by it per tick - for {{L|GregTech}} and its addons. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[Steam production]=], {arg="gtsteamproduction", units=units.litresPerTick, desc = [=[How many liters of steam it makes per tick - for {{L|GregTech}} and its addons. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[Energy storage]=], {arg="gteustorage", units=units.eu, desc = [=[How much EU it can hold - for {{L|GregTech}} and its addons. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[Energy usage]=], {arg="gteuusage", units=units.euPerTick, desc = [=[How much EU is used by it per tick - for {{L|GregTech}} and its addons. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[Energy production]=], {arg="gteuproduction", units=units.euPerTick, desc = [=[How much EU is produced by it per tick - for {{L|GregTech}} and its addons. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[Voltage in]=], {arg="gtvoltagein", units=units.euVolts, desc = [=[Maximum EU voltage that can be put into it - for {{L|GregTech}} and its addons. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[Voltage out]=], {arg="gtvoltageout", units=units.euVolts, desc = [=[Maximum EU voltage that can be output - for {{L|GregTech}} and its addons. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[Max amperage]=], {arg="gtamperage", units=units.euAmps, desc = [=[Maximum EU amperage - for {{L|GregTech}} and its addons. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[Loss/meter/amp]=], {arg="gtloss", units=units.euVolts, desc = [=[Loss/meter/amperage - for {{L|GregTech}} and its addons. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[Heat limit]=], {arg="gtheatlimit", units=units.k, desc = [=[Maximum heat that it can take in Kelvin - for {{L|GregTech}} and its addons. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[Fluid capacity]=], {arg="gtfluidcapacity", units=units.litresPerSec, desc = [=[Maximum liters that it can hold - for {{L|GregTech}} and its addons. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[Item capacity]=], {arg="gtitemcapacity", units=units.stacksPerSec, desc = [=[Maximum stacks of items it can hold - for {{L|GregTech}} and its addons. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[Routing value]=], {arg="gtrouting", desc = [=[Routing value - for {{L|GregTech}} and its addons.]=]}},
            {[=[Fuel efficiency]=], {arg="gtefficiency", desc = [=[Fuel efficiency - for {{L|GregTech}} and its addons.]=]}}
            {[=[Charge storage]=], {arg="rccharge", desc = [=[{{L|Railcraft}} energy storage. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[Energy loss]=], {arg="rcloss", units=units.perTick, desc = [=[How much energy is lost per tick - for {{L|Railcraft}} and its addons. Include only the number.]=]}}
            {[=[Required power]=], {arg="rocpower", units=units.watts, desc = [=[Required amount of power - for {{L|RotaryCraft}} and its addons. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[Required torque]=], {arg="roctorque", units=units.nm, desc = [=[Required torque - for {{L|RotaryCraft}} and its addons. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[Required speed]=], {arg="rocspeed", units=units.radPerSec, desc = [=[Required speed - for {{L|RotaryCraft}} and its addons. Include only the number.]=]}}
            {[=[Max MJ input]=], {arg="mjinput", units=units.mjPerTick, desc = [=[Maximum input of MJ/t. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[MJ use]=], {arg="mjuse", units=units.mjPerTick, desc = [=[MJ consumption in MJ/t. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[MJ storage]=], {arg="mjstorage", units=units.mj, desc = [=[MJ storage in MJ. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[Max MJ output]=], {arg="mjoutput", units=units.mjPerTick, desc = [=[Maximum output of MJ/t. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[MJ production]=], {arg="mjproduction", units=units.mjPerTick, desc = [=[MJ production in MJ/t. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[MJ traversing]=], {arg="mjtraversing", units=units.mjPerTick, desc = [=[Maximum energy traversing - only for pipes. Include only the number.]=]}}
            {[=[Max CF input]=], {arg="cfinput", units=units.cfPerTick, desc = [=[Maximum input of CF/t. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[CF use]=], {arg="cfuse", units=units.cfPerTick, desc = [=[CF consumption in CF/t. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[CF storage]=], {arg="cfstorage", units=units.cf, desc = [=[CF storage in CF. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[Max CF output]=], {arg="cfoutput", units=units.cfPerTick, desc = [=[Maximum output of CF/t. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[CF production]=], {arg="cfproduction", units=units.cfPerTick, desc = [=[CF production in RF/t. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[CF traversing]=], {arg="cftraversing", units=units.cfPerTick, desc = [=[Maximum energy traversing in CF/t - only for conduits. Include only the number.]=]}}
            {[=[Max RF input]=], {arg="rfinput", units=units.rfPerTick, desc = [=[Maximum input of RF/t. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[RF use]=], {arg="rfuse", units=units.rfPerTick, desc = [=[RF consumption in RF/t. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[RF storage]=], {arg="rfstorage", units=units.rf, desc = [=[RF storage in RF. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[Max RF output]=], {arg="rfoutput", units=units.rfPerTick, desc = [=[Maximum output of RF/t. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[RF production]=], {arg="rfproduction", units=units.rfPerTick, desc = [=[RF production in RF/t. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[RF loss]=], {arg="rfloss", units=units.rfPerTick, desc = [=[RF loss in RF/t. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[RF traversing]=], {arg="rftraversing", units=units.rfPerTick, desc = [=[Maximum energy traversing in RF/t - only for conduits. Include only the number.]=]}}
            {[=[Max Tesla input]=], {arg="tinput", units=units.tPerTick, desc = [=[Maximum input of T/t. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[Tesla use]=], {arg="tuse", units=units.tPerTick, desc = [=[Tesla consumption in T/t. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[Tesla storage]=], {arg="tstorage", units=units.t, desc = [=[Tesla storage. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[Max Tesla output]=], {arg="toutput", units=units.tPerTick, desc = [=[Maximum output of T/t. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[Tesla production]=], {arg="tproduction", units=units.tPerTick, desc = [=[Tesla production in T/t. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[Tesla traversing]=], {arg="ttraversing", units=units.tPerTick, desc = [=[Maximum energy traversing in T/t - only for conduits/wires/whatnot. Include only the number.]=]}}
            {[=[Steam usage default]=], {arg="fspsuuse", units=units.suPerUse, desc = [=[Steam unit consumption in SU/use. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[Steam usage default]=], {arg="fspsutick", units=units.suPerTick, desc = [=[Steam unit consumption in SU/tick. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[Steam storage default]=], {arg="fspsteamstorage", units=units.su, desc = [=[Steam storage in SU. Include only the number.]=]}}
            {[=[EMC value]=], {arg="emc", units=units.emc, desc = [=[EMC value of the item. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[EMC storage]=], {arg="emcstorage", units=units.emc, desc = [=[How much EMC the item can hold. This is mostly relevant for Equivalent Exchange Klein Stars. Include only the number.]=]}},
            {[=[EMC creation]=], {arg="emcproduction", units=units.emcPerSec, desc = [=[How much EMC the item or block will create per second. Include only the number.]=]}}
            {[=[Arcane Energy cost]=], {arg="aeuse", units=units.aePerUse, desc=[=[Arcane Energy cost per use. Include only the number.]=]}},
        title = [=[Technical details]=],
            {[=[Registry name]=], {arg="registryname", desc = [=[This thing's registry name. ''This is not necessarily identical to its unlocalized name.'']=]}},
            {[=[Unlocalized name]=], {arg="unlocalizedname", desc = [=[This thing's unlocalized name. ''This is not necessarily identical to its registry name.'']=]}},
            {[=[Ore dictionary name]=], {arg="oredictname", desc = [=[The oredictionary name for this item.]=]}},
            {[=[Tag]=], {arg="tags", desc = [=[The [[mcw:Tag|tag]] of this item.]=]}}
            {[=[First appearance]=], {arg="firstappearance", desc = [=[The version string that the item first appeared in.]=]}},
            {[=[Last appearance]=], {arg="lastappearance", desc = [=[The version string that the item last appeared in.]=]}}
            {[=[Experience]=], {arg="exp", desc = [=[Exp you gain from mining or smelting it.]=]}},
            {[=[Flow speed]=], {arg="flowspeed", units=units.metersPerSec, desc = [=[The flow speed of liquids in m/s.]=]}}
            {[=[Player speed]=], {arg="speed", desc = [=[The walk speed of the player character when on or in it.]=]}}

-- This next bit adds the PWhatever lines.
-- 4 is the Energy Use section.
local energyUseSection = p.format[4]
local pwhateverfields = {"input", "use", "storage", "output", "production"}
local usageCat = "[[Category:Pages that use PWhatever in Infobox thing]]"
for i=1,5 do
    local subsection = {}
    for j,name in ipairs(pwhateverfields) do 
        subsection[#subsection+1] = { { arg=i..name.."title", units=usageCat }, {arg=i..name, units=usageCat} }
    energyUseSection[#energyUseSection + 1] = subsection

energyUseSection[#energyUseSection + 1] = {
    docOnly = true,
    desc = [=[You can also add more input/use/output/storage sections with Ptype and Ptypetitle, where P can be a number between 1 and 5.]=],
    {{arg="Pinputtitle", desc = [=[Title for the input field]=]}},
    {{arg="Pinput", desc = [=[Input]=]}},
    {{arg="Pusetitle", desc = [=[Title for the energy use field]=]}},
    {{arg="Puse", desc = [=[Energy use]=]}},
    {{arg="Pstoragetitle", desc = [=[Title for the energy storage field]=]}},
    {{arg="Pstorage", desc = [=[Energy storage]=]}},
    {{arg="Poutputtitle", desc = [=[Title for the output field]=]}},
    {{arg="Poutput", desc = [=[Output]=]}},
    {{arg="Pproductiontitle", desc = [=[Title for the energy production field]=]}},
    {{arg="Pproduction", desc = [=[Energy production]=]}}

p.examples = {{[=[{{Infobox
|image=Block Sand.png
|imageicon={{Gc|mod=V|dis=false|Oak Wood Planks}}{{Gc|mod=OB|dis=false|Elevator}}{{O|blockCopper}}
|mod=IndustrialCraft 2
|lore=A block of sand.
|nexttier={{Gc|mod=V|dis=false|Chiseled Sandstone}}
|datavalue=0 Sand
|firstappearance=Classic 0.0.14a
|exp=Smelted: 0.1

return p