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Feed The Beast Wiki
Template-info Documentation
Lua logo This template uses Module:Infobox, with data stored in Module:Infobox/thing.
These scripts are written in Lua. Please see wikipedia:wp:Lua and mw:Extension:Scribunto to learn more.

Este modelo é usado para criar uma caixa de informações que se alinha com o lado direito do artigo que está incorporado no. Essa é para itens, blocos, e assim por diante.


A infobox em branco é fornecido à direita para referência rápida, uma caixa de informação será caiu em artigos reais.
texto dica de ferramenta{{{lore}}}
Módulos necessários{{{module}}}
Composição química{{{chemcomp}}}
Resistência de explosão{{{blastresistance}}}
Tempo de queima{{{burntime}}}
Pontos de saúde{{{hp}}}
Pontos de armadura{{{ap}}}
Classificação de armadura{{Armor|{{{armorrating}}}}}
Resistência da armadura{{{toughness}}}
Nível de mineração{{{mininglevel}}}
Velocidade da mineração{{{miningspeed}}}
Armazenamento líquido{{{lstorage}}}
Calor (C){{{heatc}}}
Calor (F){{{heatf}}}
TC3 Aspects{{{tc3aspects}}}
TC4 Aspects{{{tc4aspects}}}
TC5 Aspects{{{tc5aspects}}}
TC6 Aspects{{{tc6aspects}}}
Custos DecoCraft
Nível anterior{{{prevtier}}}
Próximo nível{{{nexttier}}}
Entrada máxima de EU{{{euinput}}}
Uso de EU{{{euuse}}}
Uso de EU{{{euusetool}}}
Armazenamento de EU{{{eustorage}}}
Saída máxima de EU{{{euoutput}}}
Produção de EU{{{euproduction}}}
UE atravessando{{{eutraversing}}}
Entrada de calor{{{huinput}}}
Uso do calor{{{huuse}}}
Saída máxima de calor{{{huoutput}}}
Produção de calor{{{huproduction}}}
Através do calor{{{hutraversing}}}
Entrada cinética{{{kuinput}}}
Uso de energia cinética{{{kuuse}}}
Saída cinética máxima{{{kuoutput}}}
Kinetic energy production{{{kuproduction}}}
Kinetic energy traversing{{{kutraversing}}}
Steam storage{{{gtsteamstorage}}}
Steam usage{{{gtsteamusage}}}
Steam production{{{gtsteamproduction}}}
Energy storage{{{gteustorage}}}
Energy usage{{{gteuusage}}}
Energy production{{{gteuproduction}}}
Voltage in{{{gtvoltagein}}}
Voltage out{{{gtvoltageout}}}
Max amperage{{{gtamperage}}}
Heat limit{{{gtheatlimit}}}
Fluid capacity{{{gtfluidcapacity}}}
Item capacity{{{gtitemcapacity}}}
Routing value{{{gtrouting}}}
Fuel efficiency{{{gtefficiency}}}
Charge storage{{{rccharge}}}
Energy loss{{{rcloss}}}
Required power{{{rocpower}}}
Required torque{{{roctorque}}}
Required speed{{{rocspeed}}}
Entrada máxima de MJ{{{mjinput}}}
Uso de MJ{{{mjuse}}}
Armazenamento de MJ{{{mjstorage}}}
Saída máxima de MJ{{{mjoutput}}}
Produção de MJ{{{mjproduction}}}
MJ traversing{{{mjtraversing}}}
Max CF input{{{cfinput}}}
CF use{{{cfuse}}}
CF storage{{{cfstorage}}}
Max CF output{{{cfoutput}}}
CF production{{{cfproduction}}}
CF traversing{{{cftraversing}}}
Max RF input{{{rfinput}}}
RF use{{{rfuse}}}
RF storage{{{rfstorage}}}
Max RF output{{{rfoutput}}}
RF production{{{rfproduction}}}
RF loss{{{rfloss}}}
RF traversing{{{rftraversing}}}
Max Tesla input{{{tinput}}}
Tesla use{{{tuse}}}
Tesla storage{{{tstorage}}}
Max Tesla output{{{toutput}}}
Tesla production{{{tproduction}}}
Tesla traversing{{{ttraversing}}}
Steam usage default{{{fspsuuse}}}
Steam usage default{{{fspsutick}}}
Steam storage default{{{fspsteamstorage}}}
EMC value{{{emc}}}
EMC storage{{{emcstorage}}}
EMC creation{{{emcproduction}}}
Arcane Energy cost{{{aeuse}}}
Detalhes técnicos
Registry name{{{registryname}}}
Unlocalized name{{{unlocalizedname}}}
Ore dictionary name{{{oredictname}}}
Primeira aparição{{{firstappearance}}}
Last appearance{{{lastappearance}}}
Flow speed{{{flowspeed}}}
Player speed{{{speed}}}


  • name: O título que será exibido na parte superior da caixa de informação.
  • blockimage ou image: A grande imagem. Use o nome do arquivo completo, como "Block sand.png".
  • iconimage ou imageicon: A imagem do ícone. Usar {{Gc}} ou {{O}}.
  • mod: A modificação do item pertence. Sempre consulte a página principal do mod. Por favor, não números de versão uso como "Vapor 0.28.0 Poder de Flaxbeard"; basta usar o nome regular em vez. (Será detectar idioma da página e link para respectivos idiomas)
  • type: O tipo de item. Pode ser qualquer um dos seguintes. Qualquer outra coisa que irá adicionar a página para uma lista de páginas com erros de tipo.
    • armor: Armadura
    • aspect: Aspecto
    • bauble: Bugiganga
    • block ou oblock ou sblock: Bloco sólido
    • book: Livro
    • cable: Cabo
    • command: Comando
    • component: Componente
    • cover: Capa
    • crop: Safra
    • dimension: Dimensão
    • enchant: Encantamento
    • entity: Entidade
    • flower: Flor
    • fmob: Monstro amigável
    • food: Comida
    • hmob: Monstro hostil
    • hull: Steve's Carts Hull
    • item: Item
    • landmark: Ponto de referência
    • liquid ou fluid: Fluido
    • machine: Máquina
    • mechanic: Mecânico
    • mob: Monstro
    • module: Steve's Carts Module
    • multiblock structure: Estrutura multibloco
    • nmob: Monstro neutro
    • pipe: Tubo
    • ritual: Ritual
    • seed: Semente
    • tblock: Bloco transparente
    • tentity: Entidade de telha
    • tool: Ferramenta
    • upgrade: Steve's Carts Atualização
    • wand: Bastão
    • weap ou weapon: Arma
  • lore: Informações adicionais que é exibido na dica do item no jogo. Se a dica de ferramenta no jogo tem cores personalizadas, eles devem ser adicionados a este parâmetro usando o {{Color}} template. As cores que são normalmente utilizados podem ser encontradas na Minecraft Wiki.
  • module: O módulo ou módulos que são necessários para ser instalado/habilitado para o item a estar presente no mod. Alguns exemplos de mods que adicionar módulos incluem e RedPower 2, Project Red, e Railcraft.
  • chemcomp: A composição química do produto.


  • blastresistance: A resistência à brusone do bloco. Incluir apenas o número.
  • hardness: A dureza de um bloco.
  • luminance: O valor de luminância fornecido pelo bloco ou fluido. Inclua somente o número.
  • burntime: The burn time value provided by the item. Include only the number.
  • foodpoints: Os pontos de alimentação um alimento regenera. Adicionar isto apenas aos alimentos.
  • saturation: A saturação a comida regenera. Adicionar isto apenas aos alimentos.
  • hunger: Os pontos de comida e a saturação restauram os alimentos. Certifique-se de usar {{Shanks}}. Adicione isso somente para a comida.
  • effects: Lista de efeitos que a comida/poção. Usar {{Effect}}.
  • alcohol: Valor de álcool GregTech 6.
  • caffeine: GregTech 6 caffeine value.
  • dehydration: GregTech 6 dehydration value.
  • sugar: valor do açúcar do GregTech 6.
  • fat: valor de gordura do GregTech 6.
  • cookable: Se o item é cookable (comida).
  • hp: The amount of health points (hp) that the entity has.
  • ap: The amount of armor points (ap) that the entity has.
  • armorrating: The armor rating of the armor. Add this only to armor. Include only the number, as it will interface automatically with {{Armor}}.
  • toughness: The toughness rating of the armor. Add this only to armor.
  • damage: The weapon's damage (one heart is two damage, half a heart is one damage). Add this only to weapons
  • aspeed: The weapon's attack speed (added in Minecraft 1.9). Add this only to weapons
  • durability: The durability of the tool or armor. Add this only to tools and armor.
  • enchantability: The enchantability, or how powerful enchantments will be, for this armor or tool.
  • mininglevel: The pick's mining level (wood, stone, iron etc...).
  • miningspeed: A velocidade de mineração da pick.
  • stackable: Se o bloco/item é empilhável.
  • flammable: Whether the block/item is flammable (can be set on fire and burned).
  • storageslots ou storage: The storage of the item - This parameter does NOT add "cells" or "stacks" after the parameter's text.
  • lstorage: The maximum liquid storage of the item in mB. Include only the number.
  • heatc: The maximum heat capacity of the item in C (Celsius). Include only the number.
  • heatf: The maximum heat capacity of the item in F (Fahrenheit). Include only the number.
  • tc3aspects: The Aspects added by Thaumcraft 3 to this object.
  • tc4aspects: The Aspects added by Thaumcraft 4 to this object.
  • tc5aspects: The Aspects added by Thaumcraft 5 to this object.
  • tc6aspects: The Aspects added by Thaumcraft 6 to this object.

DecoCraft costs

  • decoclay: The cost of normal clay requiried to create the item. For use with DecoCraft.
  • decored: The cost of red color required to create the item. For use with DecoCraft.
  • decoblue: The cost of blue color required to create the item. For use with DecoCraft.
  • decogreen: The cost of green color required to create the item. For use with DecoCraft.


  • upgrades: Upgrades that can be applied or installed to the machine.
  • prevtier: Previous tier of the item, tool or machine.
  • nexttier: Next tier of the item, tool or machine.

You can also add more input/use/output/storage sections with Ptype and Ptypetitle, where P can be a number between 1 and 5.

  • Pinputtitle: Title for the input field
  • Pinput: Input
  • Pusetitle: Title for the energy use field
  • Puse: Energy use
  • Pstoragetitle: Title for the energy storage field
  • Pstorage: Energy storage
  • Poutputtitle: Title for the output field
  • Poutput: Output
  • Pproductiontitle: Title for the energy production field
  • Pproduction: Energy production


  • euinput: Maximum input of EU/t. Include only the number.
  • euuse: EU consumption in EU/t. Include only the number.
  • euusetool: EU consumption in EU per use (only used on tools that use EU per use). Include only the number.
  • eustorage: EU storage in EU. Include only the number.
  • euoutput: Maximum output of EU/t. Include only the number.
  • euproduction: EU production in EU/t. Include only the number.
  • eutraversing: Maximum energy traversing - only for cables. Include only the number.
  • huinput: Maximum IndustrialCraft 2 heat input per tick.
  • huuse: hU consumption per tick.
  • huoutput: Maximum output of hU/t.
  • huproduction: Heat production in hU/t.
  • hutraversing: Maximum heat energy traversing the cable.
  • kuinput: Maximum IndustrialCraft 2 rotation energy per tick.
  • kuuse: Kinetic energy consumption per tick.
  • kuoutput: Maximum output of kU/t
  • kuproduction: Kinetic energy production in kU/t.
  • kutraversing: Maximum kinetic energy traversing the cable.
  • gtsteamstorage: Maximum liters of steam that it can hold - for GregTech and its addons. Include only the number.
  • gtsteamusage: Liters of steam that is used by it per tick - for GregTech and its addons. Include only the number.
  • gtsteamproduction: How many liters of steam it makes per tick - for GregTech and its addons. Include only the number.
  • gteustorage: How much EU it can hold - for GregTech and its addons. Include only the number.
  • gteuusage: How much EU is used by it per tick - for GregTech and its addons. Include only the number.
  • gteuproduction: How much EU is produced by it per tick - for GregTech and its addons. Include only the number.
  • gtvoltagein: Maximum EU voltage that can be put into it - for GregTech and its addons. Include only the number.
  • gtvoltageout: Maximum EU voltage that can be output - for GregTech and its addons. Include only the number.
  • gtamperage: Maximum EU amperage - for GregTech and its addons. Include only the number.
  • gtloss: Loss/meter/amperage - for GregTech and its addons. Include only the number.
  • gtheatlimit: Maximum heat that it can take in Kelvin - for GregTech and its addons. Include only the number.
  • gtfluidcapacity: Maximum liters that it can hold - for GregTech and its addons. Include only the number.
  • gtitemcapacity: Maximum stacks of items it can hold - for GregTech and its addons. Include only the number.
  • gtrouting: Routing value - for GregTech and its addons.
  • gtefficiency: Fuel efficiency - for GregTech and its addons.
  • rccharge: Railcraft energy storage. Include only the number.
  • rcloss: How much energy is lost per tick - for Railcraft and its addons. Include only the number.
  • rocpower: Required amount of power - for RotaryCraft and its addons. Include only the number.
  • roctorque: Required torque - for RotaryCraft and its addons. Include only the number.
  • rocspeed: Required speed - for RotaryCraft and its addons. Include only the number.
  • mjinput: Maximum input of MJ/t. Include only the number.
  • mjuse: MJ consumption in MJ/t. Include only the number.
  • mjstorage: MJ storage in MJ. Include only the number.
  • mjoutput: Maximum output of MJ/t. Include only the number.
  • mjproduction: MJ production in MJ/t. Include only the number.
  • mjtraversing: Maximum energy traversing - only for pipes. Include only the number.
  • cfinput: Maximum input of CF/t. Include only the number.
  • cfuse: CF consumption in CF/t. Include only the number.
  • cfstorage: CF storage in CF. Include only the number.
  • cfoutput: Maximum output of CF/t. Include only the number.
  • cfproduction: CF production in RF/t. Include only the number.
  • cftraversing: Maximum energy traversing in CF/t - only for conduits. Include only the number.
  • rfinput: Maximum input of RF/t. Include only the number.
  • rfuse: RF consumption in RF/t. Include only the number.
  • rfstorage: RF storage in RF. Include only the number.
  • rfoutput: Maximum output of RF/t. Include only the number.
  • rfproduction: RF production in RF/t. Include only the number.
  • rfloss: RF loss in RF/t. Include only the number.
  • rftraversing: Maximum energy traversing in RF/t - only for conduits. Include only the number.
  • tinput: Maximum input of T/t. Include only the number.
  • tuse: Tesla consumption in T/t. Include only the number.
  • tstorage: Tesla storage. Include only the number.
  • toutput: Maximum output of T/t. Include only the number.
  • tproduction: Tesla production in T/t. Include only the number.
  • ttraversing: Maximum energy traversing in T/t - only for conduits/wires/whatnot. Include only the number.
  • fspsuuse: Steam unit consumption in SU/use. Include only the number.
  • fspsutick: Steam unit consumption in SU/tick. Include only the number.
  • fspsteamstorage: Steam storage in SU. Include only the number.
  • emc: EMC value of the item. Include only the number.
  • emcstorage: How much EMC the item can hold. This is mostly relevant for Equivalent Exchange Klein Stars. Include only the number.
  • emcproduction: How much EMC the item or block will create per second. Include only the number.
  • aeuse: Arcane Energy cost per use. Include only the number.


  • registryname: This thing's registry name. This is not necessarily identical to its unlocalized name.
  • unlocalizedname: This thing's unlocalized name. This is not necessarily identical to its registry name.
  • oredictname: The oredictionary name for this item.
  • tags: The tag of this item.
  • firstappearance: The version string that the item first appeared in.
  • lastappearance: The version string that the item last appeared in.
  • exp: Exp you gain from mining or smelting it.
  • flowspeed: The flow speed of liquids in m/s.
  • speed: The walk speed of the player character when on or in it.


|image=Block Sand.png
|imageicon={{Gc|mod=V|dis=false|Oak Wood Planks}}{{Gc|mod=OB|dis=false|Elevator}}{{O|blockCopper}}
|mod=IndustrialCraft 2
|lore=A block of sand.
|nexttier={{Gc|mod=V|dis=false|Chiseled Sandstone}}
|datavalue=0 Sand
|firstappearance=Classic 0.0.14a
|exp=Smelted: 0.1
Block Sand

ModIndustrialCraft 2
TipoBloco sólido
texto dica de ferramentaA block of sand.
Resistência de explosão2.5
Fome Restaurada
Classificação de armadura5.5 (ArmorArmorHalf Armor)
Nível de mineração1
Armazenamento líquido1000 mB
Calor (C)0 ºC
Calor (F)32 ºF

Nível anterior
Próximo nível
Entrada máxima de EU32 EU/t
Uso de EU32 EU/t
Uso de EU50 EU/use
Armazenamento de EU40,000 EU
Saída máxima de EU8 EU/t
Produção de EU128 EU/t
UE atravessando16 EU/t
Entrada máxima de MJ32 MJ/t
Uso de MJ32 MJ/t
Armazenamento de MJ60,000 MJ
Saída máxima de MJ8 MJ/t
Produção de MJ1~6 MJ/t
MJ traversing48 MJ/t
Max RF input32 RF/t
RF use32 RF/t
RF storage60,000 RF
Max RF output8 RF/t
RF production16 RF/t
RF loss10 RF/t
RF traversing48 RF/t
Steam usage default6 SU/usar
Steam usage default50000000 SU/t
Steam storage default14 SU
Detalhes técnicos
Ore dictionary namesand
Primeira apariçãoClassic 0.0.14a
Last appearancex.y.z
ExperiênciaSmelted: 0.1
Flow speed2 m/s
Player speed3
parâmetro não reconhecido: datavalue