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GregoriusT가 개발한 그레그테크 5IndustrialCraft 2를 완전히 바꾸는 애드온입니다. 여러가지 기계와 아이템들을 추가하고, 다른 아이템들의 레시피를 조정하며, 광맥 시스템을 바꿉니다. GregTech is meant to extend gameplay by making certain things less overpowered, many machines more complex to craft, and adding a wide range of machinery. There is currently one available addon for GregTech; GalacticGreg, which lets GregTech Ores and Granite generate properly in Galacticraft's Moon and Mars dimensions. GregTech 5 has been replaced by GregTech 6, and as such will no longer receives updates or bugfixes.
