Feed The Beast Wiki

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Feed The Beast Wiki
Template-info Documentation

This template is used to create an info box that aligns to the right side of the article it is embedded in.


A blank infobox is provided on the right for quicker reference, the infobox will be collapsed on actual articles.
Mod {mod}
TypeUnknown value
Tooltip Text {lore}
Required modules{module}
Blast resistance {blastresistance}
Hardness {hardness}
Chemical composition {chemcomp}
Restores {foodpoints}
Effects {effects}
Cookable {cookable}
Armor rating {armorrating}
Damage {damage}
Durability {durability}
Mining level {mininglevel}
Stackable {stackable}
Flammable {flammable}
Storage {storageslots}
Liquid Storage {lstorage} mB
Heat (C) {heatc} ºC
Heat (F) {heatf} } ºF
Previous tier [[{prevtier}|
Next tier [[{nexttier}|
Energy Consumption
Max EU input{euinput} EU/t
EU use{euuse} EU/t
EU use{euusetool} EU/use
EU storage{eustorage} EU
Max EU output{euoutput} EU/t
EU production{euproduction} EU/t
EU traversing{eutraversing} EU/t
Steam storage{gtsteamstorage} L
Steam usage{gtsteamusage} L/t
Steam production{gtsteamproduction} L/t
Energy storage{gteustorage} EU
Energy usage{gteuusage} EU/t
Energy production{gteuproduction} EU/t
Voltage in{gtvoltagein} EU-Volts
Voltage out{gtvoltageout} EU-Volts
Max amperage{gtamperage} EU-Amps
Loss/meter/amp{gtloss} EU-Volts
Heat limit{gtheatlimit} K
Fluid capacity{gtfluidcapacity} L/s
Item capacity{gtitemcapacity} Stacks/s
Routing value{gtrouting}
Fuel efficiency{gtefficiency}
Charge storage {rccharge}
Energy loss {rcloss} per tick
Required Power {rocpower} W
Required Torque {roctorque} Nm
Required Speed {rocspeed} rad/s
Max MJ input {mjinput} MJ/t
MJ use {mjuse} MJ/t
MJ storage {mjstorage} MJ
Max MJ output {mjoutput} MJ/t
MJ production {mjproduction} MJ/t
MJ traversing {mjtraversing} MJ/t
Max RF input {rfinput} RF/t
RF use {rfuse} RF/t
RF storage {rfstorage} RF
Max RF output {rfoutput} RF/t
RF production {rfproduction} RF/t
RF traversing {rftraversing} RF/t
Steam usage {fspsuuse} SU/use
Steam usage {fspsutick} SU/tick
Steam storage {fspsteamstorage} SU
EMC value {emc} EMC
EMC storage {emcstorage} EMC
EMC creation {emcproduction} EMC/second
{{{1inputtitle}}} {1input}
{{{1usetitle}}} {1use}
{{{1storagetitle}}} {1storage}
{{{1outputtitle}}} {1output}
{{{1productiontitle}}} {1production}
{{{2inputtitle}}} {2input}
{{{2usetitle}}} {2use}
{{{2storagetitle}}} {2storage}
{{{2outputtitle}}} {2output}
{{{2productiontitle}}} {2production}
{{{3inputtitle}}} {3input}
{{{3usetitle}}} {3use}
{{{3storagetitle}}} {3storage}
{{{3outputtitle}}} {3output}
{{{3productiontitle}}} {3production}
{{{4inputtitle}}} {4input}
{{{4usetitle}}} {4use}
{{{4storagetitle}}} {4storage}
{{{4outputtitle}}} {4output}
{{{4productiontitle}}} {4production}
{{{5inputtitle}}} {5input}
{{{5usetitle}}} {5use}
{{{5storagetitle}}} {5storage}
{{{5outputtitle}}} {5output}
{{{5productiontitle}}} {5production}
Technical Details
Default data value{datavalue}
Ore dictionary name{oredictname}
First appearance{firstappearance}
Last appearance {lastappearance}
Flow speed{flowspeed} m/s
Player speed{speed}


  • name: The title that will be displayed at the top of the info box.
  • blockimage or image: (Optional) The big picture. Use the complete filename, like "Block_Sand.png".
  • iconimage or imageicon: The icon image. Use the item name as it appears in game. If you want to use multiple image icons, put multiple grid templates like in crafting grid templates or separate the item names using commas. This parameter uses {{G}} to test if the input are grids and the #grid_foreach parser function to generate grids from a list. The ore dict is disabled for this parameter.
  • mod: The mod the item belongs to. Always refer to the main page of the mod. Please do not use version numbers like "Industrial Craft 2" or "RedPower 2"; just use the regular name instead. (Will detect page language and link to respective languages)
  • type: The item type. Can be any of the following, or none, which will add the page to a list of pages with type errors. (type: Text in infobox)
    • armor: Armor
    • block or sblock or oblock: Solid Block
    • book: Book
    • command: Command
    • component: Component
    • crop: Crop
    • dimension: Dimension
    • enchant: Enchantment
    • entity: Entity
    • flower: Flower
    • fmob: Friendly Monster
    • food: Food
    • hmob: Hostile Monster
    • hull: Steve's Carts Hull
    • item: Item
    • landmark: Landmark
    • liquid: Liquid
    • machine: Machine
    • mechanic: Mechanic
    • mob: Monster
    • module: Steve's Carts Module
    • multiblock structure: Multiblock Structure
    • nmob: Neutral Monster
    • resource: Resource
    • ritual: Ritual
    • seed: Seed
    • tblock: Transparent Block
    • tentity: Tile Entity
    • tool: Tool
    • upgrade: Steve's Carts Upgrade
    • wand: Wand
    • weap or weapon: Weapon
  • lore: (Optional) Additional information that is displayed on the tooltip of the item in game. If the in-game tooltip has custom colors, they should be added to this parameter using the {{Color}} template. Colors that are typically used can be found on the Minecraft Wiki.
  • module: (Optional) The module or modules that are required to be installed/enabled for the item to be present in the mod. Some examples of mods that add modules include RedPower 2, Project Red, and Railcraft.
  • blastresistance: (Optional) The blast resistance of the block. Include only the number.
  • hardness: (Optional) The hardness of a block.
  • chemcomp: (Optional) Chemical composition of the item.
  • foodpoints: (Optional) The food points a food regenerates. Add this only to food.
  • effects: (Optional) List of effects the food/potion buffs you with.
  • cookable: (Optional) Whether the item is cookable (food).
  • armorrating: (Optional) The armor rating of the armor. Add this only to armor.
  • damage: (Optional) The weapons' damage (one heart is two damage, half a heart is one damage). Add this only to weapons.
  • durability: (Optional) The durability of the tool or armor. Add this only to tools and armor.
  • mininglevel: (Optional) The pick's mining level. (wood, stone, iron etc...)
  • stackable: (Optional) Whether the block/item is stackable.
  • flammable: (Optional) Whether the block/item is flammable (can be set on fire and burned).
  • storageslots or storage: (Optional) The storage of the item - This parameter does NOT add "cells" or "stacks" after the parameter's text. Include more text.
  • lstorage: (Optional) The maximum liquid storage of the item in mB. Include only the number.
  • heatc: (Optional) The maximum heat capacity of the item in C (Celsius). Include only the number.
  • heatf: (Optional) The maximum heat capacity of the item in F (Fahrenheit). Include only the number.
  • upgrades: (Optional) Upgrades that can be applied or installed to the machine. Use the item name as it appears in game. If you want to use multiple image icons, put multiple grid templates like in crafting grid templates or separate the item names using commas. This parameter uses {{G}} to test if the input are grids and the #grid_foreach parser function to generate grids from a list.
  • prevtier: (Optional) Previous tier of the item, tool or machine. Use the item name as it appears in game. If you want to use multiple image icons, put multiple grid templates like in crafting grid templates or separate the item names using commas. This parameter uses {{G}} to test if the input are grids and the #grid_foreach parser function to generate grids from a list.
  • nexttier: (Optional) Next tier of the item, tool or machine. Use the item name as it appears in game. If you want to use multiple image icons, put multiple grid templates like in crafting grid templates or separate the item names using commas. This parameter uses {{G}} to test if the input are grids and the #grid_foreach parser function to generate grids from a list.


  • euinput: (Optional) Maximum input of EU/t. Include only the number.
  • euuse: (Optional) EU consumption in EU/t. Include only the number.
  • euusetool: (Optional) EU consumption in EU per use (only used on tools that use EU per use. Include only the number.
  • eustorage: (Optional) EU storage in EU. Include only the number.
  • euoutput: (Optional) Maximum output of EU/t. Include only the number.
  • euproduction: (Optional) EU production in EU/t. Include only the number.
  • eutraversing: (Optional) Maximum energy traversing - only for cables. Include only the number.
  • gtsteamstorage: (Optional) Maximum liters of steam that it can hold - for GregTech and its addons. Include only the number.
  • gtsteamusage: (Optional) Liters of steam that is used by it per tick - for GregTech and its addons. Include only the number.
  • gtsteamproduction: (Optional) How many liters of steam it makes per tick - for GregTech and its addons. Include only the number.
  • gteustorage: (Optional) How much EU it can hold - for GregTech and its addons. Include only the number.
  • gteuusage: (Optional) How much EU is used by it per tick - for GregTech and its addons. Include only the number.
  • gteuproduction: (Optional) How much EU is produced by it per tick - for GregTech and its addons. Include only the number.
  • gtvoltagein: (Optional) Maximum EU voltage that can be put into it - for GregTech and its addons. Include only the number.
  • gtvoltageout: (Optional) Maximum EU voltage that can be output - for GregTech and its addons. Include only the number.
  • gtamperage: (Optional) Maximum EU amperage - for GregTech and its addons. Include only the number.
  • gtloss: (Optional) Loss/meter/amperage - for GregTech and its addons. Include only the number.
  • gtheatlimit: (Optional) Maximum heat that it can take in Kelvin - for GregTech and its addons. Include only the number.
  • gtfluidcapacity: (Optional) Maximum liters that it can hold - for GregTech and its addons. Include only the number.
  • gtitemcapacity: (Optional) Maximum stacks of items it can hold - for GregTech and its addons. Include only the number.
  • gtrouting: (Optional) Routing value - for GregTech and its addons.
  • gtefficiency: (Optional) Fuel efficiency - for GregTech and its addons.
  • rccharge: (Optional) Railcraft energy storage. Include only the number.
  • rcloss: (Optional) How much energy is lost per tick - for Railcraft and its addons. Include only the number.
  • rocpower: (Optional) Required amount of power - for RotaryCraft and its addons. Include only the number.
  • roctorque: (Optional) Required torque - for RotaryCraft and its addons. Include only the number.
  • rocspeed: (Optional) Required speed - for [[RotaryCraft and its addons. Include only the number.
  • mjinput: (Optional) Maximum input of MJ/t. Include only the number.
  • mjuse: (Optional) MJ consumption in MJ/t. Include only the number.
  • mjstorage: (Optional) MJ storage in MJ. Include only the number.
  • mjoutput: (Optional) Maximum output of MJ/t. Include only the number.
  • mjproduction: (Optional) MJ production in MJ/t. Include only the number.
  • mjtraversing: (Optional) Maximum energy traversing - only for pipes. Include only the number.
  • rfinput: (Optional) Maximum input of RF/t. Include only the number.
  • rfuse: (Optional) RF consumption in RF/t. Include only the number.
  • rfstorage: (Optional) RF storage in RF. Include only the number.
  • rfoutput: (Optional) Maximum output of RF/t. Include only the number.
  • rfproduction: (Optional) RF production in RF/t. Include only the number.
  • rftraversing: (Optional) Maximum energy traversing in RF/t - only for conduits. Include only the number.
  • fspsuuse: (Optional) Steam unit consumption in SU/use. Include only the number.
  • fspsutick: (Optional) Steam unit consumption in SU/tick. Include only the number.
  • fspsteamstorage: (Optional) Steam storage in SU. Include only the number.
  • emc: (Optional) EMC value of the item. Include only the number.
  • emcstorage: (Optional) How much EMC the item can hold. This is mostly relevant for Equivalent Exchange Klein Stars. Include only the number.
  • emcproduction: (Optional) How much EMC the item or block will create per second. Include only the number.


  • datavalue: (Optional) Block ID. Do not use.
  • oredictname: (Optional) The oredictionary name for this item.
  • firstappearance: (Optional) The version string that the item first appeared in.
  • lastappearance: (Optional) The version string that the item last appeared in.
  • exp: (Optional) Exp you gain from mining or smelting it.
  • flowspeed: (Optional) The flow speed of liquids in m/s.
  • speed: (Optional) The walk speed of the player character when on or in it.

You can also add more input/use/output/storage sections with Ptype and Ptypetitle, where P can be a number between 1 and 5.

  • Pinputtitle: (Optional) Title for the input field.
  • Pinput: (Optional) Input.
  • Pusetitle: (Optional) Title for the energy use field.
  • Puse: (Optional) Energy use.
  • Pstoragetitle: (Optional) Title for the energy storage field.
  • Pstorage: (Optional) Energy storage.
  • Poutputtitle: (Optional) Title for the output field.
  • Poutput: (Optional) Output.
  • Pproductiontitle: (Optional) Title for the energy production field.
  • Pproduction: (Optional) Energy Production.


  1. The Steve's Carts Modular cost title is generated through the modularcost parameter.


Code Result
|mod=Industrial Craft
|lore=A block of sand.
|storageslots=108 Cells
|nexttier={{Gc|mod=V|dis=false|Chiseled Sandstone}}
|datavalue=0 Sand
|firstappearance=Classic 0.0.14a
|exp=Smelted: 0.1

Block Sand

Mod Industrial Craft
TypeSolid Block
Tooltip Text A block of sand.
Blast resistance 2.5
Hardness 0.5
Restores 2
Effects Hunger
Cookable Yes
Armor rating 5.5
Damage 9.5
Durability 350
Mining level 1
Flammable No
Storage 108 Cells
Liquid Storage 1000 mB
Heat (C) 0 ºC
Heat (F) 32 } ºF
Previous tier [[
Next tier [[
Energy Consumption
Max EU input32 EU/t
EU use32 EU/t
EU use50 EU/use
EU storage40,000 EU
Max EU output8 EU/t
EU production128 EU/t
EU traversing16 EU/t
Max MJ input 32 MJ/t
MJ use 32 MJ/t
MJ storage 60,000 MJ
Max MJ output 8 MJ/t
MJ production 1~6 MJ/t
MJ traversing 48 MJ/t
Max RF input 32 RF/t
RF use 32 RF/t
RF storage 60,000 RF
Max RF output 8 RF/t
RF production 16 RF/t
RF traversing 48 RF/t
Steam usage 6 SU/use
Steam usage 50000000 SU/tick
Steam storage 14 SU
Technical Details
Default data value0 Sand
Ore dictionary namesand
First appearanceClassic 0.0.14a
Last appearance x.y.z
ExperienceSmelted: 0.1
Other languages:
  • English