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Feed The Beast Wiki
Auto Enchantment Table


The Auto Enchantment Table is a block from the OpenBlocks mod. This block is used to automatically enchant tools using liquid experience. The desired enchantment level can be set by moving the slider in the GUI left/right. Liquid experience can be automatically pumped into the Auto Enchantment Table by toggling Auto Drink in the GUI, then selecting the desired side to auto drink from by left clicking that face. Tools and materials can be automatically extracted from an adjacent inventory into the Auto Enchantment Table by toggling Auto Extract in the GUI, then selecting the desired side to auto extract from by left clicking the according face. This has to be done once for the tool, and once for the material/Books, separately; it can be the same face to extract from. The same functionality is available for automatically ejecting the repaired/enchanted tools that are created. The Auto Enchantment Table can be rotated within the GUI by holding the right mouse button and rotating the block.


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