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Capacitor Bank

ModEnder IO
Previous tier
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Max RF input5000 RF/t
RF storage5,000,000 RF
Max RF output5000 RF/t

The Capacitor Bank is a block added by Ender IO. It is used to store Redstone Flux (RF); each block can store 5 million RF. It is a shapeless multiblock; putting a Capacitor Bank next to another Capacitor Bank will combine their energy storage.

Within the GUI, up to four RF-using tools can be charged at the same time. The maximum RF input and output can be adjusted, but it cannot go above 5000 without multiple Capacitor Banks (a multiblock of 2 Capacitor Banks can reach 10,000 RF input/output, a multiblock of 3 Capacitor Banks can reach 15,000 RF input/output, etc).

If hit with a Yeta Wrench, the mode of the side hit can be modified. A blank slate ("none") indicates input/output. A blue symbol ("pull") indicates input, a red symbol ("push") indicates output. An "X" indicates the side is disabled. Shift-clicking the block with the wrench will drop the block, with all energy still stored in it.


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