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You have probably heard about it. Maybe you are currently playing Infinity Evolved Expert Mode, or Infinity Evolved Skyblock, and you want to autocraft items because doing 20 crafting steps manually just to get a Hardened Jetpack becomes boring after a while. But Applied Energistics is so expensive! You will need something to automate crafting a long time before you can afford the required wrench. So people have been telling you to use Logistics Pipes.

Or maybe you're just bored of using AE all the time and want to try something different for a change?

But this mod seems daunting. So many different pipes and modules with strange names - what is a "polymorphic item sink"? Or a "satellite pipe"? And you don't know how anything works either. How do you even get items out of a machine to transport it to a chest? How can you autocraft items with it? How do I use modules and upgrades? What pipes do you have to use for what? This guide will teach you the most important things you should know to use Logistics Pipes effectively.

This guide assumes that you are using an up-to-date version of Logistics Pipes, as it is used in 1.7.10 FTB modpacks. Logistics Pipes depends on BuildCraft. Other mods used in this guide include Thermal Expansion and Dynamics, Storage Drawers, Iron Chests, EnderStorage and MineFactory Reloaded.

About the mod[]

Logistics Pipes (LP) is an add-on to BuildCraft. The original aim of the mod was to greatly improve the functionality and usefulness of BuildCraft's various transport pipes. However, after many continuous improvements, LP now only uses BuildCraft pipes in crafting recipes anymore. If you're used to them being used together with BC's pipes, you can still do it that way, but in most cases that is not optimal.

The mod is a solid item transport and routing system with many neat tricks. You can use it to automate crafting and machines, keep certain items stocked, and remotely order items from your storage. It can handle items as well as fluids, can transport RF and EU power, and it even has special handling for Forestry's bees and Thaumcraft!

Everything in LP is about automating item transport. The transport and sorting works with both the push and pull principles. Push means that items can be simply inserted into the LP network and it will find a suitable destination; pull means that an item is requested at a specific destination, and the LP network will try to find an inventory which contains the item, then send it on its way. BuildCraft's pipes for example only use the push principle, it cannot order items. The automated crafting systems can handle both regular crafting recipes and machines well.

LP can also be very compact. Almost all of the functional pipes that the mod offers are also available as a module which can be used in a Logistics Chassis, a special type of pipes with varying amounts of module slots. With these modules it is possible to fit up to 8 pipes into one! There are also some modules that don't have a pipe equivalent, so their function can only be used in a Chassis.


Before you begin with LP, you should get some power. Whether you want to use RF or EU does not matter, LP accepts both - but it will definitely require some power.

I highly recommend you also make an Assembly Table and a few Lasers (and enough power to run them), as you can save resources by using chipsets instead of ingots or gears to craft functional Logistics Pipes. Later you will learn how to keep a few chipsets stocked so you don't have to wait so long for the chipsets to finish.

LogiPipesGuide BasicPipesExample

Example use of Basic Logistics Pipes (highlighted with blue clay) and the Logistics Power Junction. All other pipes are Unrouted Transport Pipes.

Now, prepare the following items:

A wrench is necessary to do almost anything with Logistics Pipes. A Crescent Hammer or Buildcraft's own Wrench will do the job nicely. Unlike other mods, to open the GUI of the mod's special pipes you will need to right-click it with the wrench - be sure to keep it handy!

Like an ME Network, a Logistics Pipes network will not simply work as it is. It requires power, which is supplied with a Logistics Power Junction. As mentioned, this device accepts either RF or EU power and will convert it to Logistics Power, which is transported and used by most pipes. An LP network does not need much power and can be used quite early, but power requirements rise together with the size of the network. Also, the Power Junction has a large internal buffer (4 million RF or 1 million EU), so if you don't have enough power stored then be prepared for it to drain all of your stored energy. You will only need one Logistics Power Junction as long as everything is connected to it. (If you want to use EU, take note that the Power Junction only accepts Low Voltage! It will explode if you supply it with MV or higher.)

Unrouted Transport Pipes are the simplest and cheapest pipes. They serve only to transport items and Logistics Power; they don't have any special functions and can't connect to machines or inventories. These pipes will be used everywhere so it's a good idea to have a few dozen of them!

The Basic Logistics Pipe is the most important pipe you will use. They are used to connect to machines and chests - which means that you will need to connect your Logistics Power Junction with a Basic Logistics Pipe. They are also responsible for routing your items to the correct destination. Unrouted Transport pipes will send items in random directions if they intersect - that's why Basic Logistics Pipes have to be placed at every intersection! You should always have some available because they're used very often.

Lastly, the Soldering Station is required to craft some of the more advanced Logistics Pipes items. You will not need it in the beginning but if you have the materials to make one then it's a good idea to do it. It uses Logistics Power, so you just need to connect it anywhere in your LP network with a Basic Logistics Pipe.

Tip: All Logistics Pipes show red corners when something is wrong, e.g. when you used an Unrouted pipe at an intersection, or when the system has no power:

LogiPipesGuide PipeError

Item storage[]

The first thing you want to have in your Logistics Pipes network is item storage. LP is mostly about transporting items to specific places, so it needs a place to store items - and take items out of.

You can use all normal inventories to store items. Iron Chests, JABBA's Better Barrels and MFR's Deep Storage Units are good storage options. An especially good option is Storage Drawers since you can connect dozens of drawers with the Storage Drawer Controller and thus only need one pipe to connect a large storage system.


The various ItemSink modules are used to designate storage destinations - a place to sink items into.

Normal ItemSink[]

The Basic Logistics Pipe and its module equivalent for use in a Logistics Chassis, the normal ItemSink module, can be used to choose up to 9 specific items which will be sent to the connected inventory. But more importantly, you can use it to set a default route, which is used to set a place for items that don't have any other place to go to.

To set a default route with a Basic Logistics Pipe, open its GUI with your wrench and click the button on the bottom right. If you are using the ItemSink module, open your Logistics Chassis' GUI and place the module inside, then click the exclamation point button that appears next to the module slot. The same GUI that the Basic Logistics Pipe has will open. Alternatively, you can right-click while holding the module in your hand to open the GUI, then insert the module into the Chassis by right-clicking the pipe with the module.

LogiPipesGuide ItemSinkGUI

You should always have a default route available - if there is no available destination for an item, it will get stuck and eventually drop out of the pipes! A simple chest is fine for that purpose if you check it regularly.

If you click the Import button, the first 9 items in the inventory will be inserted into the GUI as ghost items. This is useful to set a destination for specific items.

But especially if you are using chests, you probably don't want your items thrown into random places - which is what happens if you only use default routes. They need to be sorted. And using tons of ItemSink modules to set each item manually is much too tedious. There are better ways to do that.

Mod based ItemSink[]

Especially if you are playing with many different mods, it's a good idea to sort your items by mod. The Mod Based ItemSink module does just that. This is very useful for mods where you have a large amount of different items, but only a small amount of these items are actually stored.

The GUI of the Mod Based ItemSink looks like this:

LogiPipesGuide ModBasedItemSinkGUI

Simply insert an item that belongs to the mod you have chosen and insert it into the item slot (it will become a ghost item), then click the Add button to add the mod to the list. I used my Crescent Hammer to add Thermal Expansion to the list - now all items that belong to Thermal Expansion will be sorted into the connected chest.

This module and all other special ItemSink modules are not available as a dedicated pipe and thus must be used in a Logistics Chassis.

Polymorphic ItemSink[]

It has a complicated-sounding name, but the Polymorphic ItemSink module's function is simple: It sorts items that are already present into an inventory. This is useful for inventories that keep large amounts of a single item, like Better Barrels or Deep Storage Units. If you are using Storage Drawers, you can use a Polymorphic ItemSink for the Drawer Controller, and all items that are already stored in the Storage Drawer system will be sorted into it.

This module doesn't have a GUI.

Other ItemSinks[]

A few other ItemSink modules are available. You can sort items after Ore Dictionary names with the OreDict ItemSink module, sort by Creative Mode inventory tabs with the Creative Tab Based ItemSink module (despite the name, it also works in Survival), and even Thaumcraft Aspects with the Thaumic Aspect Based ItemSink module. Also, there are special ItemSinks for enchanted items (Enchantment Sink module and its MK2 version) and for Forestry's Bees (BeeSink module).

Inserting items into an LP network[]

Now that your LP system knows where to store items, you just need to insert items that are to be stored.

Machines that have automatic output, like Thermal Expansion machines, can insert items into a Basic Logistics Pipe and the LP network will find a suitable place for them. Of course many machines don't have that luxury. And you probably want to have a "dump chest" into which you can simply put all unnecessary items that clutter your inventory and have them sorted into your storage.

To extract items from machines, you can use the various Extractor modules. There are 6 of them: the normal Extractor modules MK1, MK2, MK3 and the Advanced Extractor modules MK1, MK2 and MK3. The difference between normal and Advanced is that the latter also feature a whitelist or blacklist for items. MK1 Extractor modules are very slow as they only extract 1 item every 5 seconds; MK2 is a bit faster and extracts one item every second. The MK3 is much faster as it can extract a whole stack every tick.

But there's a better option for your dump chest: the QuickSort module. Unlike the Extractor modules, which just throw everything into your LP network without checking if there's a valid destination, the QuickSort module looks for an available destination before sending items away. It will ignore your default route. This means that items which can't be sorted will just stay in the "dump chest".

This module has some other useful applications too but they are outside of the scope of this guide.

Requesting items[]

You can go to your chests and drawers to take items out, but as your base becomes bigger it's just a hassle to have to run there all the time. Wouldn't it be much better if you could have items come to you instead? Well, you can do that!

But before that, your LP network will need to know where to take items out from. It already knows where to send items, but it doesn't remember the items it sends into an inventory.

Provider module[]

If the network is supposed to see the items in the inventory, you will have to use a Provider Logistics Pipe or a Provider module. Both pipe and module have a MK2 version which is faster.

The Provider module/pipe's GUI looks like this:

LogiPipesGuide ProviderModuleGUI

The Switch Button on the left changes what the Provider module/pipe does with the items in the inventory. Normally it will just provide everything in the connected inventory, but it can also leave the first or last stack (or both) in the inventory, it can leave 1 item per stack, and it can leave 1 item per type. The last option should be chosen when used together with a Polymorphic ItemSink so that at least 1 item is still left. If using barrels or drawers, you can lock them to only accept one specific type of item (shift-rightclick a barrel with an empty hand or rightclick a drawer with the Drawer Key) - so you can just use Normal mode; it's not necessary to leave an item because the inventories themselves have this function.

If you're using storage for large item amounts, like barrels, Deep Storage Units or Storage Drawers, it's a good idea to use a Logistics Chassis MK2 with a Polymorphic ItemSink module and a Provider module MK2.

Now you just need something to actually order the items to come to you.

Request Logistics Pipe[]

You can request items with the aptly named Request Logistics Pipe (or its faster MK2 variant).

This is its GUI:

LogiPipesGuide RequestPipeGUI

The search box is active when you open the GUI, which makes it easy to order a specific item quickly. You can use the Sort button to toggle different sortings (ID, name, stored amount etc.).

Use the various +/-buttons to choose the amount you want to request. The + button will increase the amount by one, the ++ button by 10, and the +++ button by 64; the same applies to the - buttons. After you have chosen the amount, simply hit the Request button, and the item(s) will travel to the Request Logistics Pipe... then drop onto the ground. You can put a chest next to the pipe if you don't want requested items to be dropped.

Of course, the Request Logistics Pipe can only see items from inventories which are connected to the network with a Provider module or pipe.

Now this pipe allows you to order items, but you will still need to go to one of these pipes. You can of course place one of them in every room, but what if you're outside your base? Let's do this remotely.

Remote Ordering[]

LogiPipesGuide RequestExample

Example use of a Remote Orderer Logistics Pipe connected to an Ender Chest, with a Logistics Request Table on the right. Storage Drawers inventory in the background.

You can order items remotely with the Remote Orderer and Remote Orderer Logistics Pipe. Rightclick the pipe with the Remote Orderer item. Now you can remotely order items to the pipe - but the items will still only go to the pipe, not to you. But we can do something about that - EnderStorage to the rescue! Put an Ender Chest next to the Remote Orderer Logistics Pipe, then Shift-rightclick the Ender Chest with an Ender Pouch to link it. Now you can order items with the Remote Orderer and take the items out of your Ender Pouch.

Opening the Remote Orderer will consume some power from the Logistics Power Junction - 1 Logistics Power per block distance to the Remote Orderer Logistics Pipe, and an additional 2500 Logistics Power if you're in another dimension (this will require your base to be chunkloaded). This means that it effectively has a range cap of 2 million blocks as this is the amount of LP stored in the Power Junction. Actually ordering items does not consume power though.


Logistics Pipes do transport items pretty quickly already - the same speed as BuildCraft's Golden Transport Pipe, in fact. But you still have to wait so long for items! We should speed that up.

The Item Speed Upgrade can be applied to any Logistics Pipe (except Unrouted), and any item that passes through that pipe will be sped up. But one of these upgrades doesn't make a noticeable difference - you should use at least 8. Place these upgrades at places where items often enter the network, for example directly at your storage, so that requested items arrive at their destination as fast as possible. Items will not lose any speed, as Unrouted Transport Pipes don't have any drag like BuildCraft's pipes do.

You can add upgrades simply by rightclicking a pipe with the upgrade. To see and remove upgrades, however, you will need the Logistics Pipe Controller. If you rightclick a pipe with this tool you will see the upgrade slots, a security tab, some statistics and more. Also, if you rightclick with the Controller tool anywhere else, you can edit the graphical settings of the LP mod to tweak your performance and graphical fidelity.

Now let's make crafting items a bit easier.

Logistics Request Table[]

If you have used Applied Energistics before, you probably know its ME Crafting Terminal. Inserting an item recipe into the GUI via NEI is a really nifty feature, right? You supply the recipe and the network will provide the necessary items so you don't have to drag stuff around anymore. Logistics Pipes can do this too - with the Logistics Request Table, which is crafted in the Soldering Station.

It includes a normal Request Logistics Pipe interface, as you can see in the GUI:

LogiPipesGuide RequestTableGUI

The request interface can be hidden with the hide button at the top.

To insert a recipe into the crafting grid, open the table's GUI (you don't need a wrench for this), then choose a recipe via NEI and Shift-click the question mark button next to the recipe. It will be inserted as ghost items. When a valid recipe is in the grid, you can order the materials needed for one item with the + button. You can also order the materials necessary to craft 10 or 64 items with the ++ and +++ buttons, respectively. Ordered materials will be put into the inventory that's displayed below the crafting grid. Once everything has arrived in the inventory, you can craft the items by clicking the recipe grid's resulting item slot above the + buttons. Pressing the X button will clear the recipe.

The tilde (~) button will also order the materials necessary to craft a recipe once, but it will check the Request Table's inventory for materials as well instead of ordering everything from your storage. If you want to craft e.g. a hopper and you already have a chest in the Table's inventory, then you can click the tilde button and only 5 pieces of iron will be ordered.

If you insert items into the marked "Sort" slot, they will be sorted into your storage.

Now you can sort items into your inventories, request them from storage, and craft items more easily. But you still need to actually craft them, that needs to be automated too!

Automated crafting[]

To automatically craft items, the Crafting Logistics Pipe or Crafting module are used. Both have MK2 and MK3 versions which can craft items faster. They can be used for both machines and normal crafting grid recipes.

Throughout the entire automation chapter, we will work towards the final goal of automatically crafting a Basic Logistics Pipe after the recipe in the Infinity Evolved Skyblock modpack:

This will require

I chose this recipe because it requires several different machines to create. Ample opportunities to learn new things!

If you have Infinity Evolved or Infinity Evolved Skyblock installed, I'd be happy if you created a new world in Creative Mode and followed along! Make a tiny LP network with a power junction (connected to a creative energy cell) and a Logistics Request table. Add some small item storage (diamond chest, Provider module, ItemSink module set to default route) and put some materials in (oak wood, redstone, diamonds, cobblestone, obsidian, gold ingots, lead ingots). Now just get some pipes and a wrench into your hotbar and you're all set! (Of course you're free to follow along in Survival mode too - or to not do it at all. Your choice!)

Crafting Grid autocrafting[]

You can use other mods' automated crafting tables (the LiquiCrafter deserves a mention) with Logistics Pipes just fine, but the simplest (and probably fastest) option is to use LP's own Logistics Crafting Table. Place it down and open its GUI; you will see a normal crafting grid and a small inventory into which items can be placed. Now, like with the Logistics Request Table, you can insert a ghost item crafting recipe with NEI by Shift-clicking the question mark next to a recipe. First, we will need to create Oak Wood Planks (or whatever else wood you have available en masse):

LogiPipesGuide LogiCraftingTableExample

This is Expert Mode, so a block of Oak Wood only yields two pieces of Planks. You can see that a faint picture of the Oak Wood is displayed in the table's inventory, but that is of no consequence.

Now, connect a Logistics Crafting Pipe to the table and open its GUI with your wrench, then click the "Import" button:

LogiPipesGuide CraftingPipeGUI

As you have noticed, using the "Import" button will import the recipe that is entered into a connected Logistics Crafting Table. The "Open" button will open that table's GUI, which may seem silly and unnecessary, but is incredibly helpful once you have a big wall of 200+ tables and pipes. Now what does that "Satellite" stuff do? Hold on just a little longer, we'll use that for the machine autocrafting a lot!

Let's check our Request Pipe/Table and search for "planks". You will see that Oak Wood Planks are available, even if you order everything you have stored. Now click the "Both" button at the bottom left - it will now say "Craft" and list all crafting recipes that are available. Now you will only see the planks, but the list is going to grow. If you click the button again, it will say "Supply" and only list items that actually exist in your storage, without crafting recipes.

Like a Request Logistics pipe, the Crafting Logistics pipe orders items from your storage, just automatically - so don't forget those Provider modules!

Now try ordering only 1 piece of Oak Wood Planks. The Oak Wood will be extracted from storage and sent to the Logistics Crafting Table, then crafted into planks. But the recipe yields 2 planks, so 1 piece of planks will be sent to your Request pipe while the other piece will be sent to your storage instead. Keep this in mind as you will need a suitable storage destination for excess items!

We will need some more Crafting Tables and Pipes to continue. Go ahead and set up autocrafting for these items while I go get some coffee:

  • Stick
  • Redstone Torch
  • Cobblestone Transport Pipe
  • Diamond Transport Pipe
  • Basic Logistics Pipe

Mmm, coffee. You're done already? Great. Now your little setup is probably going to look a bit like this:

LogiPipesGuide CraftingExampleNoSigns

Do you know which crafting recipes I have put into which tables/pipes? Of course not. Now what would happen if I had 200 of these? Total chaos. I wouldn't be able to remember which recipe is where. Hope I never have to change one.

But how about this?

LogiPipesGuide CraftingExampleWithSigns

Much better! Now you can easily see which item is crafted where. You can add these crafting signs with the Crafting Sign Creator. Just right-click a Crafting Logistics Pipe with this tool and it will add a sign that displays the output.

Of course you're not able to craft the Basic Logistics Pipe straight away - several ingredients are still missing. Now we will need to automate machines.

Automating machines[]

Now let's see what that Satellite stuff is for!

Redstone Furnace[]

You can theoretically just put a Crafting Logistics Pipe next to a Redstone Furnace, add a recipe (like Sand to Glass), set the Furnace's side and you're done.

But there's a problem: the furnace's input slot only fits up to one stack of an item. What if you need to make more? The items will be sent to the destination anyway, but if the slot is full, they will just be rejected and sent back to storage. Then one item has finished smelting, another item can fit into the input slot, and all the items in the queue will be sent to the furnace again, just to be rejected again.

And this is where we are going to use the Satellite Logistics Pipe. (Finally!) This pipe, used together with a Crafting Logistics Pipe, can be used to designate a different place for crafting materials to go to. This means ingredients will not be sent to the Crafting pipe, but to the Satellite. This enables you to use a buffer chest for the Redstone Furnace, like here:

LogiPipesGuide SatelliteExample

Oh, I forgot to add Servos, hope nobody notices...

After you have placed the Satellite Logistics Pipe down, open its GUI with your wrench and give it an ID (not zero). This ID is global, not per-network, which can be confusing in Multiplayer when the first non-zero ID that is availabe is something like 37. This is done so that two different LP networks can be connected without any ID conflicts arising.

Open the Crafting pipe's GUI, put a piece of glass in the Output slot and a piece of sand in the marked Satellite section. Choose the Satellite ID that belongs to the Furnace's buffer chest. Double-check if necessary. It should look like this:

LogiPipesGuide CraftingPipeSatellite

Even if 10 stacks of glass have to be crafted, the sand will be sent to the chest, so items won't be sent back and forth anymore.

Note: when using Thermal Expansion machines, use their GUI's Configuration tab to set the side that is connected with the Crafting Logistics Pipe to "any I/O", the little square with 4 dots at the corners. That's because the Crafting Pipe has to pull the items out so that the LP network notices that the item has been successfully crafted. If you set the side to Output (orange) then the items will instead be pushed into the network by the machine and then sorted, while the crafting pipe still waits for the items that it will never be able to pull out.


We will need 3 recipes for the Pulverizer:

  1. Cobblestone to Gravel,
  2. Gravel to Sand,
  3. Obsidian to Obsidian Dust.

Of course, using 3 Crafting Logistics Pipes is a waste of space, so we will use a Logistics Chassis and Crafting modules. When playing normally, you probably want to always use MK4 or MK5 Chassis because you will need many Furnace and Pulverizer recipes. With four MK5 chassis and a Satellite (leaving one machine side for power) you can use up to 32 recipes with one TE machine.

However, the Pulverizer has a secondary output. That should be extracted as well if you don't want the machine to clog. Normally one would use a Crafting Byproduct Extraction Upgrade for this - but this upgrade cannot be used with a Logistics Chassis! Not yet, anyway. You probably noticed that the Upgrade's tooltip says "Can be applied to Crafting pipes and Crafting modules", but the special Chassis upgrade that is needed to apply an upgrade to a module instead of a pipe can only be spawned in. So the functionality is there, but it's still not usable yet. I look forward to it being officially added!

But now we sadly have to give up on one set of crafting recipes. Replace one Chassis with a Basic Logistics Pipe and set the Pulverizer to output its byproducts into it (yellow side) so that all secondary output will be sorted into your storage.

Induction Smelter[]

The Induction Smelter works, for our purposes, the same way as a Pulverizer, even though it has two inputs. If you just pipe the buffer chest's input into a blue side it will work just fine. This machine can have secondary outputs as well, but our recipe (Hardened Glass) can't have any byproducts, so we will ignore this in our setup.

Simply add the recipe for Hardened Glass in your Crafting Pipe or module:

LogiPipesGuide SatelliteTwoInputs

Now you can autocraft almost everything - save for the Golden Chipset. For that, we will need to automate the Assembly Table.

Advanced Autocrafting[]

This is going to be more complicated than a Furnace.

Assembly Table[]

As you probably know, the Assembly Table does not store its output. It will either drop finished items on the ground or insert them into a chest if it's next to it. This means that we can't attach a Crafting pipe or module to the Assembly Table since it won't be able to pull the items out.

To solve this problem, we will use what I call "reverse Satellite crafting" - the Chassis with Crafting modules is attached to the Assembly Table's output chest, and the Satellite Logistics Pipe is attached to the Assembly table itself:

LogiPipesGuide AssemblyExample1

Then just add a Crafting module to the Chassis and enter the desired recipe:

LogiPipesGuide AssemblyCrafting

This will perfectly do the job that we want it to do (crafting a Golden Chipset) - but, outside of this guide, you will normally need several other Chipsets too, including the Redstone Chipset. But, because of the way the Assembly Table works, we are presented with a problem: the recipe for the Golden Chipset includes 1 Gold Ingot and 1 Redstone dust, and the Redstone Chipset needs only 1 Redstone dust. Now, if both recipes are added to the Assembly Table, and we insert a Gold Ingot and a Redstone dust, the Redstone Chipset might be crafted instead of the Golden Chipset we wanted!

To avoid this recipe overlap, there is only one solution: you will need to use two Assembly Tables, one for the Redstone Chipset and one for everything else.

LogiPipesGuide AssemblyExample2

Now you can craft Basic Logistics Pipes completely automatically!

Open your Request pipe or table and check the crafting recipes:

LogiPipesGuide RequestAutocrafting

All the recipes are added. If your storage contains all necessary materials then you can go ahead and order some pipes, then watch as everything is coming together.

If your storage doesn't contain enough materials for the crafting to complete, it will not start crafting anything at all and notify you with a popup. You can disable this popup with the "Popup" checkbox in the Request pipe/table GUI, it will then notify you via chat instead.

Now we're done with this section! Thanks for following along

Stocking items[]

So now you can autocraft items too. But those pesky chipsets always take so long to craft, and your power just isn't enough to run more lasers.

Active Supplier module[]

Let's teach our network to always keep exactly 8 Iron Chipsets in stock, and craft more if there are less. This way you always have some chipsets available if you need them so you don't have to wait anymore.

To do this, simply add an Active Supplier module (or a Supplier Logistics Pipe) to your item storage. Insert an Iron Chipset and right-click the ghost item to increase the amount. It should look like this:

LogiPipesGuide ActiveSupplierGUIexample

Now the module will always keep 8 Iron Chipsets stocked, and it will autocraft them if necessary.

You can modify the way the Active Supplier works with the Request Mode.

  • Bulk50 will start to request items once half the specified amount remains in your inventory. If you only had 4 chipsets left, it would start to craft more.
  • Bulk100 will only start to request items once the inventory has nothing. So it would start to craft once you don't have any chipsets left.
  • Full is similar to Bulk100, but it will only send the full amount at once into the inventory. It waits until the inventory has no more chipsets, then crafts 8 chipsets but only sends them into the inventory once all crafting has finished so that the whole specified amount enters the inventory at once.
  • Partial will simply order items whenever there's not the full specified amount in the inventory. Even if only one chipset is missing, it will order enough to fill the inventory up immediately.
  • Infinite will ignore the specified amount and just send items into the inventory until it's full.

For our purpose, Partial is the best mode.

Note that the Active Supplier module is called that because it actively requests items if any are missing. This is why it can have items autocrafted.

Passive Supplier module[]

If you want to keep an item stocked without it being autocrafted, you would use the Passive Supplier module. It does not actively request items. Instead, it acts as a highest priority destination for items that enter the network. You could use this to keep a tree farm stocked with a certain amount of saplings, or to setup an automatic ore processing system which directly sends the ores that your Quarry or Laser Drill produces to machines.

Working with Fluids[]

Logistics Pipes can also transport fluids from place to place and use them in crafting recipes. This also allows you to carry multiple fluids along the same Logistics network and use it to replace a tangle of plain fluid pipes. For most kinds of pipe, there is a corresponding Fluid Pipe that performs the same function, but using fluids instead of items. All of these pipes have a small internal fluid buffer that is used to store fluids before or after they are transferred across the LP network in the form of the transient item "Logistics Fluid Container".

Logistics Fluid Basic Pipe[]

Sets a destination for any fluids inserted into the network. Unlike the Basic Pipe, there are no default routes - each Fluid Basic Pipe is a destination for exactly one fluid, which you must set in its GUI. Fluids are inserted into the network via Fluid Extraction/Insertion Pipes. The Fluid Basic pipe may be adjacent to more than one fluid tank, and if one tank is full it will try to fill another one.

Logistics Fluid Provider Pipe[]

Provides liquids when requested by Crafting, Fluid Supplier, or Fluid Request pipes. Unlike the Provider Pipe, there is no whitelist or any other customizable behavior - in fact, it has no GUI at all and simply provides whatever fluids are in any tanks adjacent to the pipe. This pipe may be adjacent to multiple fluid tanks and will provide all of the liquids that are in any of them.

Logistics Fluid Supplier Pipe[]

Requests fluids to be inserted into an adjacent fluid tank. The Fluid Supplier's GUI has several options for controlling the rate of supply. Clicking on the square box at the top will allow you to select a fluid from a list. The rows of buttons labeled 1, 10, 100, and 1000 are fairly self-explanatory - clicking a button in the top row increases the amount to supply by that much, and the buttons in the bottom row likewise decrease the amount. The "Partial" button controls whether the pipe will request amounts less than the requested amount. If set to "No", it will only request fluid when the tank is completely empty. If set to "Yes", it will request fluid as soon as the amount in the tank drops below a certain level. This level is controlled by the "Min. Mode" setting, which may be 1, 2, or 5 buckets, or "None". If the setting is "None", the supplier will request fluids as soon as the tank's level drops by any amount; otherwise, it will only request fluids when the difference between the amount in the tank and the amount to supply is at least the number of buckets set for the Min. Mode setting.

Some fluid tanks such as machine input tanks do not allow the pipe to find out how much fluid is in them; in this case, the fluid supplier will always believe the tank is empty and will continue requesting fluid until no more can be inserted into the tank.

Logistics Fluid Extractor Pipe[]

Extracts fluids from an adjacent fluid tank and routes them to the appropriate Fluid Basic Pipe. The fluid is first extracted into the pipe's internal buffer of 5 buckets. If a Basic Pipe is found on the network that accepts that fluid, it will be sent to that pipe, otherwise the fluid will simply remain in the Extractor Pipe until a destination appears on the network. The Extractor Pipe extracts fluids at a rate of 1 bucket per second, but also allows other forms of fluid transport to insert fluids into it at any speed.

Logistics Fluid Insertion Pipe[]

Similar to the Fluid Extractor Pipe, this pipe will route any fluids that are inserted into it, but will not extract fluids from adjacent tanks. Curiously, many forms of fluid transport will not connect to the Fluid Insertion Pipe. Buildcraft Fluid Pipes and any GregTech machines that can auto-eject fluids are able to insert fluids into the Insertion Pipe, but others such as EnderIO Fluid Tanks and Conduits will not.

Logistics Fluid Satellite Pipe[]

The Fluid Satellite Pipe is used in conjunction with a Crafting Pipe which has a Fluid Crafting Upgrade installed into it. First, the Fluid Satellite must be configured with a satellite ID. The Crafting Pipe will have a new expandable tab on the left side corresponding to the Fluid Crafting Upgrade, which has the usual controls for selecting a fluid type and amount. The control at the bottom of the tab will select the satellite ID that the fluid will be sent to. From then on, each time an item is requested for crafting from that Crafting Pipe, the configured fluid will also be sent to the Fluid Satellite. Unlike the regular Satellite Pipe, the Fluid Satellite Pipe is not optional and must be used every time a Fluid Crafting Upgrade is used.

Logistics Fluid Container Supplier[]

The Container Supplier is not strictly a Fluid Pipe. It is more similar to the plain Supplier Pipe in that it supplies plain items rather than fluids. The items to supply are configured in its GUI, which is nearly identical to the normal Supplier Pipe. If the items are fluid containers such as Buckets or Cells, they will be emptied into a tank adjacent to the pipe, and the empty bucket or cell (if any) will be returned to storage. Otherwise, the items are stored in an adjacent inventory, or ejected into the world if no inventory is adjacent. Like the Fluid Supplier, the Container Supplier can detect the amount of fluid in the adjacent tank and only request items when the amount in the tank is less than the amount requested.

Logistics Fluid Request Pipe[]

The Fluid Request Pipe, like its counterpart, displays a list of all of the fluids available on the network and allows you to request precise amounts of a fluid, measured in millibuckets. The requested fluid will be sent to an adjacent fluid tank, or simply deleted upon arrival if no tank is present.

Transporting Power[]

Let's get rid of our cabling! Logistics Pipes can transport RF and EU power. It's a bit more expensive than other power transport options but the transfer rate is virtually unlimited! It also saves space and de-clutters your machine setups.

You need three things to transport power:

  • Logistics Power Provider
  • Power Supplier Upgrades
  • Power Transportation Upgrades

To supply RF power to your LP network, you need an RF Power Provider. Similarly, to supply EU power, you need an EU Power Provider. Simply connect this block to your LP network with a Basic Logistics Pipe and supply power to it.

Power Supplier Upgrades are used, as the name suggests, to supply a machine with power from the LP network. For RF-using machines you need a TE Power Supplier Upgrade. But for EU-using machines you have to apply the correct voltage: there are IC2 Power Supplier Upgrades for LV, MV, HV and even EV. Make sure that the correct voltage is applied if you don't want your stuff to explode! This upgrade has to be placed in any routed pipe that's connected to a machine you want to power, like a Crafting Logistics Pipe or any Chassis.

Power is transported as an energy beam. The energy is controlled by Power Transportation Upgrades. This module supports both RF and EU power - but it does not convert between the two! You will notice that an RF energy beam is red, and an EU energy beam is yellow. This beam is not like items - it cannot go around corners by itself, and it cannot pass routed pipes by itself. Because of this, every Basic or other routed Logistics Pipe that the beam travels through needs a Power Transportation Upgrade (that includes the pipe which connects the Power Provider), and every corner that energy is supposed to take needs at least a Basic Logistics Pipe with a Power Transportation Upgrade.

Here's an example that shows how a Laser Drill, or rather its Precharger, can be powered:

LogiPipesGuide PowerTransportExample

Note that the Power Supplier upgrades also include the function of a Power Transportation Upgrade. If you already have a Power Supplier Upgrade applied to a pipe then you won't need to use a Transportation Upgrade to extend the power transport route!

Remember that you can check which upgrades are being used in a pipe with the Logistics Pipe Controller. It really helps with troubleshooting if something doesn't work as it should.

Tips and tricks[]

  • One interesting aspect of Logistics Pipes is that you can use it with different item transport pipes. It was originally meant to be used with BuildCraft's pipes, but now it also accepts other mods' pipes, like Thermal Dynamics' Itemducts - using powered Warp Itemducts will greatly speed up your network! However, you will still need to use Basic Logistics Pipes at intersections. Only Unrouted Transport Pipes can be replaced.
  • You can use Applied Energistics 2 storage with Logistics Pipes. Simply connect a Logistics Chassis MK2 with an ItemSink (set as default route) and a Provider Module to an ME Interface. Your LP network will be able to see the entire inventory of your ME system and use it to store items too! This allows you to use the super compact storage of AE2 without having to deal with channels or its complicated autocrafting.

You should now have learned how to use the most important functions of Logistics Pipes. If you have any tips or think something could be improved, feel free to tell me on my talk page! -Suchtie
Oh, and here's a bonus screenshot of my test world for this guide!
