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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Navbox/Embers/doc

local p = {}
p.navbox = function(navbox, highlightline, group, list, line, ni, nid, l)

local em = l{"Embers", [=[<translate><!--T:1--> Embers</translate>]=]}

local blocks = [=[<translate><!--T:2--> Blocks</translate>]=]
local devices = [=[<translate><!--T:3--> Devices</translate>]=]
local generator = [=[<translate><!--T:28--> Generators</translate>]=]
local processing = [=[<translate><!--T:29--> Processing</translate>]=]
local transportation = [=[<translate><!--T:30--> Transportation</translate>]=]
local storage = [=[<translate><!--T:31--> Storage</translate>]=]
local misc = [=[<translate><!--T:32--> Misc</translate>]=]
local decorational = [=[<translate><!--T:4--> Decorative</translate>]=]
local ores = [=[<translate><!--T:5--> Ores</translate>]=]
local storageblocks = [=[<translate><!--T:6--> Storage blocks</translate>]=]

local items = [=[<translate><!--T:7--> Items</translate>]=]
local tools = [=[<translate><!--T:8--> Tools</translate>]=]
local components = [=[<translate><!--T:9--> Components</translate>]=]
local ingots = [=[<translate><!--T:10--> Ingots</translate>]=]
local nuggets = [=[<translate><!--T:11--> Nuggets</translate>]=]
local plates = [=[<translate><!--T:12--> Plates</translate>]=]
local swords = [=[<translate><!--T:13--> Swords</translate>]=]
local pickaxes = [=[<translate><!--T:14--> Pickaxes</translate>]=]
local axes = [=[<translate><!--T:15--> Axes</translate>]=]
local shovels = [=[<translate><!--T:16--> Shovels</translate>]=]
local hoes = [=[<translate><!--T:17--> Hoes</translate>]=]

local mobs = [=[<translate><!--T:19--> Mobs</translate>]=]
local structures = [=[<translate><!--T:20--> Structures</translate>]=]

--If you know more about Embers, feel free to divide this up better. -bony
return navbox{title = em, mod = "EM", modname = "Embers",
	group{name = "blocks", title = blocks,
		list{title = devices,
			list{title = generator,
				ni{"Ember Activator"},
				ni{"Pressure Refinery"},
				ni{"Combustion Chamber"},
				ni{"Catalysis Chamber"},
				ni{"Ignem Reactor"},
				ni{"Creative Ember Source"}
			list{title = processing,
				ni{"Stamp Base"},
				ni{"Ember Bore"},
				ni{"Mixer Centrifuge"},
				ni{"Hearth Coil"},
				ni{"Cinder Plinth"},
				ni{"Alchemy Pedestal"},
				ni{"Exchange Tablet"},
				ni{"Inferno Forge"},
				ni{"Dawnstone Anvil"},
				nid{"Automatic Hammer"},
				ni{"Ember Injector"}
			list{title = transportation,
				nid{"Fluid Pipe"},
				nid{"Fluid Extractor"},
				ni{"Ember Receptor"},
				ni{"Ember Emitter"},
				nid{"Item Pipe"},
				nid{"Item Extractor"},
				ni{"Beam Splitter"},
				nid{"Item Dropper"},
				ni{"Item Vacuum"},
				ni{"Item Transfer"},
				ni{"Ember Ejector"},
				ni{"Ember Relay"}
			list{title = storage,
				ni{"Fluid Vessel"},
				ni{"Copper Cell"},
				ni{"Caminite Ring"},
				ni{"Crystal Cell"},
			list{title = misc,
				ni{"Machine Accessor"},
				ni{"Mechanical Core"},
				ni{"Ember Dial"},
				ni{"Fluid Dial"},
				ni{"Ember Lantern"},
				ni{"Copper Charger"},
				ni{"Beam Cannon"},
				ni{"Automatic Breaker"},
				ni{"Field Chart"},
				ni{"Caminite Lever"}
		list{title = decorational,
			ni{"Caminite Brick Slab"},
			ni{"Ashen Stone Slab"},
			ni{"Ashen Brick Slab"},
			ni{"Ashen Tile Slab"},
			ni{"Caminite Bricks"},
			ni{"Caminite Brick Stairs"},
			ni{"Caminite Brick Wall"},
			ni{"Ashen Stone"},
			ni{"Ashen Stone Stairs"},
			ni{"Ashen Stone Wall"},
			ni{"Ashen Brick"},
			ni{"Ashen Brick Stairs"},
			ni{"Ashen Brick Wall"},
			ni{"Ashen Tile"},
			ni{"Ashen Tile Stairs"},
			ni{"Ashen Tile Wall"},
			ni{"Archaic Bricks"},
			ni{"Archaic Edge"},
			ni{"Archaic Tile"},
			ni{"Archaic Light"},
			ni{"Sealed Planks"},
			ni{"Reinforced Sealed Planks"}
		list{title = ores,
			ni{"Quartz Ore", "Quartz Ore (Embers)", "Quartz"},
			ni{"Copper Ore", "Copper Ore", "Copper"},
			ni{"Lead Ore", "Lead Ore", "Lead"},
			ni{"Silver Ore", "Silver Ore", "Silver"},
			ni{"Aluminum Ore", "Aluminum Ore", "Aluminum"},
			ni{"Nickel Ore", "Nickel Ore", "Nickel"},
			ni{"Tin Ore", "Tin Ore", "Tin"}
		list{title = storageblocks,
			ni{"Copper Block", "Copper Block", "Copper"},
			ni{"Lead Block", "Lead Block", "Lead"},
			ni{"Silver Block", "Silver Block", "Silver"},
			ni{"Dawnstone Block", "Dawnstone Block", "Dawnstone"},
			ni{"Mithril Block", "Mithril Block", "Mithril"},
			ni{"Aluminum Block", "Aluminum Block", "Aluminum"},
			ni{"Bronze Block", "Bronze Block", "Bronze"},
			ni{"Electrum Block", "Electrum Block", "Electrum"},
			ni{"Nickel Block", "Nickel Block", "Nickel"},
			ni{"Tin Block", "Tin Block", "Tin"}
	group{name = "items", title = items,
		list{title = tools,
			ni{"Tinker's Hammer"},
			ni{"Atmospheric Gauge"},
			ni{"Mantle Jar"},
			ni{"Mantle Cartridge"},
			ni{"Blazing Ray"},
			ni{"Cinder Staff"},
			ni{"Ashen Goggles"},
			ni{"Ashen Cloak"},
			ni{"Ashen Leggings"},
			ni{"Ashen Boots"},
			ni{"Inflictor Gem"}
		list{title = components,
			ni{"Caminite Brick"}, --Not an ingot. Not registered in the OD as one, not named one, don't move it there. -bony
			ni{"Caminite Blend"},
			ni{"Caminite Plate"},
			ni{"Raw Caminite Plate"},
			ni{"Bar Stamp"},
			ni{"Flat Stamp"},
			ni{"Plate Stamp"},
			ni{"Raw Bar Stamp"},
			ni{"Raw Flat Stamp"},
			ni{"Raw Plate Stamp"},
			ni{"Ember Shard"},
			ni{"Ember Crystal"},
			nid{"Ash Pile"},
			ni{"Iron Aspectus"},
			ni{"Copper Aspectus"},
			ni{"Lead Aspectus"},
			ni{"Silver Aspectus"},
			ni{"Dawnstone Aspectus"},
			ni{"Alchemical Waste"},
			ni{"Glimmer Crystal"},
			ni{"Ashen Fabric"},
			ni{"Archaic Brick"},
			ni{"Ancient Motive Core"},
			ni{"Isolated Materia"},
			ni{"Ember Crystal Cluster"},
			ni{"Wildfire Core"},
			ni{"Ancient Codex"},
			ni{"Cinder Jet"},
			ni{"Blasting Core"},
			ni{"Caster Orb"},
			ni{"Resonating Bell"},
			ni{"Flame Barrier"},
			ni{"Eldritch Insignia"},
			ni{"Intelligent Apparatus"},
			ni{"Archaic Circuit"},
			ni{"Copper Seed"},
			ni{"Gold Seed"},
			ni{"Iron Seed"},
			ni{"Lead Seed"},
			ni{"Silver Seed"}
		list{title = ingots,
			ni{"Copper Ingot", "Copper Ingot", "Copper"},
			ni{"Lead Ingot", "Lead Ingot", "Lead"},
			ni{"Silver Ingot", "Silver Ingot", "Silver"},
			ni{"Dawnstone Ingot", "Dawnstone Ingot", "Dawnstone"},
			ni{"Aluminum Ingot", "Aluminum Ingot", "Aluminum"},
			ni{"Bronze Ingot", "Bronze Ingot", "Bronze"},
			ni{"Electrum Ingot", "Electrum Ingot", "Electrum"},
			ni{"Nickel Ingot", "Nickel Ingot", "Nickel"},
			ni{"Tin Ingot", "Tin Ingot", "Tin"},
			ni{"Mithril Ingot", "Mithril Ingot", "Mithril"}
		list{title = nuggets,
			ni{"Copper Nugget", "Copper Nugget", "Copper"},
			ni{"Lead Nugget", "Lead Nugget", "Lead"},
			ni{"Silver Nugget", "Silver Nugget", "Silver"},
			ni{"Dawnstone Nugget", "Dawnstone Nugget", "Dawnstone"},
			ni{"Aluminum Nugget", "Aluminum Nugget", "Aluminum"},
			ni{"Bronze Nugget", "Bronze Nugget", "Bronze"},
			ni{"Electrum Nugget", "Electrum Nugget", "Electrum"},
			ni{"Nickel Nugget", "Nickel Nugget", "Nickel"},
			ni{"Tin Nugget", "Tin Nugget", "Tin"},
			ni{"Mithril Nugget", "Mithril Nugget", "Mithril"}
		list{title = plates,
			ni{"Copper Plate", "Copper Plate", "Copper"},
			ni{"Lead Plate", "Lead Plate", "Lead"},
			ni{"Silver Plate", "Silver Plate", "Silver"},
			ni{"Dawnstone Plate", "Dawnstone Plate", "Dawnstone"},
			ni{"Aluminum Plate", "Aluminum Plate", "Aluminum"},
			ni{"Bronze Plate", "Bronze Plate", "Bronze"},
			ni{"Electrum Plate", "Electrum Plate", "Electrum"},
			ni{"Nickel Plate", "Nickel Plate", "Nickel"},
			ni{"Tin Plate", "Tin Plate", "Tin"},
			ni{"Mithril Plate", "Mithril Plate", "Mithril"}
		list{title = swords,
			nid{"Copper Sword", "Copper"},
			nid{"Lead Sword", "Lead"},
			nid{"Silver Sword", "Silver"},
			ni{"Dawnstone Sword", "Dawnstone Sword", "Dawnstone"},
			ni{"Aluminum Sword", "Aluminum Sword", "Aluminum"},
			nid{"Bronze Sword", "Bronze"},
			nid{"Electrum Sword", "Electrum"},
			ni{"Nickel Sword", "Nickel Sword", "Nickel"},
			nid{"Tin Sword", "Tin"},
		list{title = pickaxes,
			nid{"Copper Pickaxe", "Copper"},
			nid{"Lead Pickaxe", "Lead"},
			nid{"Silver Pickaxe", "Silver"},
			ni{"Dawnstone Pickaxe", "Dawnstone Pickaxe", "Dawnstone"},
			ni{"Aluminum Pickaxe", "Aluminum Pickaxe", "Aluminum"},
			nid{"Bronze Pickaxe", "Bronze"},
			nid{"Electrum Pickaxe", "Electrum"},
			ni{"Nickel Pickaxe", "Nickel Pickaxe", "Nickel"},
			nid{"Tin Pickaxe", "Tin"},
			ni{"Clockwork Pickaxe", "Clockwork Pickaxe", "Clockwork"}
		list{title = axes,
			nid{"Copper Axe", "Copper"},
			nid{"Lead Axe", "Lead"},
			nid{"Silver Axe", "Silver"},
			ni{"Dawnstone Axe", "Dawnstone Axe", "Dawnstone"},
			ni{"Aluminum Axe", "Aluminum Axe", "Aluminum"},
			nid{"Bronze Axe", "Bronze"},
			nid{"Electrum Axe", "Electrum"},
			ni{"Nickel Axe", "Nickel Axe", "Nickel"},
			nid{"Tin Axe", "Tin"},
			ni{"Clockwork Battleaxe", "Clockwork Battleaxe", "Clockwork"}
		list{title = shovels,
			nid{"Copper Shovel", "Copper"},
			nid{"Lead Shovel", "Lead"},
			nid{"Silver Shovel", "Silver"},
			ni{"Dawnstone Shovel", "Dawnstone Shovel", "Dawnstone"},
			ni{"Aluminum Shovel", "Aluminum Shovel", "Aluminum"},
			nid{"Bronze Shovel", "Bronze"},
			nid{"Electrum Shovel", "Electrum"},
			ni{"Nickel Shovel", "Nickel Shovel", "Nickel"},
			nid{"Tin Shovel", "Tin"}
		list{title = hoes,
			nid{"Copper Hoe", "Copper"},
			nid{"Lead Hoe", "Lead"},
			nid{"Silver Hoe", "Silver"},
			ni{"Dawnstone Hoe", "Dawnstone Hoe", "Dawnstone"},
			nid{"Aluminum Hoe", "Aluminum"},
			nid{"Bronze Hoe", "Bronze"},
			nid{"Electrum Hoe", "Electrum"},
			nid{"Nickel Hoe", "Nickel"},
			nid{"Tin Hoe", "Tin"}
	group{name = "misc", title = misc,
		list{title = mobs,
			ni{"Spawn Ancient Golem", "Ancient Golem", [=[<translate><!--T:21--> Ancient Golem</translate>]=]}
		list{title = structures,
			l{"Small Ruin", [=[<translate><!--T:22--> Small Ruin</translate>]=]}

return p