Feed The Beast Wiki

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Feed The Beast Wiki
Current developersSatanicSanta
Version1.12.2: 2.0.2
1.12.1: 2.0.2
1.12: 2.0.2
1.11.2: 1.0.2
1.11.1: 1.0.2
1.11: 1.0.2
1.10.2: 1.0.2
1.10.1: 1.0.2
1.10: 1.0.2
Supported Minecraft versions1.10-1.12.2
Mod IDoredicttips

OreDictTips is a client-side mod created by SatanicSanta. With this mod installed, all OreDictionary entries registered to a specific item will be displayed in a list in its tooltip. The way in which this is toggled is configurable in its configuration file. The following modes are available:

Name Configuration integer Configuration description Use
Always 0 Always show the entries The entries are always shown in the tooltip.
Debug 1 Show when the F3+H debug mode is enabled Enable by enabling advanced tooltips with F3+H.
Keybind 2 Show when holding a keybind The keybind configured with the Controls menu can be held down to show the entries.
Debug+Keybind 3 Show when the F3+H debug mode is enabled and holding a keybind Combination of Debug and Keybind; enable advanced tooltips and use the keybind as set in Controls.

The keybind, as of 1.0.1, is always present in the controls menu. However, only in the Keybind and Debug+Keybind modes is this used.


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